package gdal

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Raster Interpolation and Resampling

type resample_t =
  1. | Nearest_neighbor
  2. | Bilinear
  3. | Cubic
  4. | Cubic_spline
  5. | Lanczos
exception Warp_error
module Options : sig ... end
module Operation : sig ... end
type warp_output_t = {
  1. geo_transform : Geo_transform.t;
  2. dims : int * int;

Suggested data set specifications for a warp destination

val suggested_warp_output : Data_set.t -> _ Transform.t -> warp_output_t

suggested_warp_output ds transform will suggest dimensions and Geo_transform.t parameters for a destination data set to warp ds into based on the dimensions of ds and the parameters defined in transform.

val reproject_image : ?memory_limit:float -> ?max_error:float -> ?options:_ Options.t -> ?src_wkt:string -> ?dst_wkt:string -> src:Data_set.t -> dst:Data_set.t -> resample_t -> unit

reproject_image ?memory_limit ?max_error ?options ?src_wkt ?dst_wkt ~src ~dst alg reprojects the image src to dst, overwriting dst in the process.

  • parameter memory_limit

    is specified in bytes.

  • parameter max_error

    is the maximum error allowed between the src and dst. Defaults to 0.0.

  • parameter src_wkt

    may be used to override the projection information in src.

  • parameter dst_wkt

    may be used to override the projection information in dst.

  • parameter alg

    specifies which resampling algorithm to use.

  • raises Warp_error

    if the operation can not be performed.

val create_and_reproject_image : ?memory_limit:float -> ?max_error:float -> ?options:_ Options.t -> ?src_wkt:string -> ?dst_wkt:string -> ?create_options:string list -> Data_set.t -> filename:string -> Driver.t -> resample_t -> unit

create_and_reproject_image ?memory_limit ?max_error ?options ?src_wkt ?dst_wkt ?create_options src filename driver alg reprojects the image src to filename.

  • parameter memory_limit

    is specified in bytes.

  • parameter max_error

    is the maximum error allowed between the src and dst. Defaults to 0.0.

  • parameter src_wkt

    may be used to override the projection information in src.

  • parameter dst_wkt

    specifies the projection to use when creating filename. Defaults to the same projection as src.

  • parameter filename

    specifies the file to write the result to.

  • parameter driver

    specifies the driver to use when creating filename.

  • parameter alg

    specifies which resampling algorithm to use.

  • raises Warp_error

    if the operation can not be performed.

val auto_create_warped_vrt : ?src_wkt:string -> ?dst_wkt:string -> ?max_error:float -> ?options:_ Options.t -> Data_set.t -> resample_t -> Data_set.t

auto_create_warped_vrt ?src_wkt ?dst_wkt ?max_error ?options src alg creates a virtual dataset warped from src.

  • parameter src_wkt

    may be used to override the projection information in src.

  • parameter dst_wkt

    specifies the projection to use when creating filename. Defaults to the same projection as src.

  • parameter max_error

    is the maximum error allowed between the src and dst. Defaults to 0.0.

  • parameter alg

    specifies which resampling algorithm to use.

  • raises Warp_error

    if the operation can not be performed.


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