package gdal

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

OGR Data Sources

These are bindings and wrappers around the OGR_DS_* API.

type t

Data source

exception Data_source_error
type driver_t

OGR driver

val get_driver_by_name : string -> driver_t option
val get_driver_by_name_exn : string -> driver_t

get_driver_by_name name returns the driver associated with name.

val create : ?options:string list -> driver_t -> string -> t option
val create_exn : ?options:string list -> driver_t -> string -> t

create ?options driver name

val copy : ?options:string list -> driver_t -> t -> string -> t option
val copy_exn : ?options:string list -> driver_t -> t -> string -> t

copy ?options driver src name creates a copy of src using driver.

val of_source : ?write:bool -> string -> [ `Invalid_source | `Ok of t ]

of_source ?write name opens the source name for access.

  • parameter write

    defaults to false (read-only)

  • parameter name

    is source-type specific. See the upstream OGR documentation for more information.

  • returns

    `Invalid_source if name does not represent a valid data source.

val of_source_exn : ?write:bool -> string -> t

Like of_source but raises Invalid_source if there is an error with the data source.

val destroy : t -> unit

destroy t releases the resources associated with t.

val with_source : ?write:bool -> string -> (t -> 'a) -> [ `Invalid_source | `Ok of 'a ]

with_source ?write name f opens name and calls f src if name is a valid data source. The data source passed to f will be closed if f returns normally or raises an exception.

This is a wrapper around of_source. See its documentation for a description of the expected arguments.

val with_source_exn : ?write:bool -> string -> (t -> 'a) -> 'a

Like with_source but raises Invalid_source if there is an error with the data source.

val get_layer_by_name : t -> string -> Layer.t
val get_layer : t -> int -> Layer.t

get_layer* src id returns a Layer.t extracted from src.

val get_layer_count : t -> int

get_layer_count src returns the number of layers in src.

val create_layer : ?spatial_reference:Spatial_reference.t -> ?geometry_type:Geometry.wkb_t -> ?options:string list -> t -> string -> Layer.t option

create_layer ?spatial_reference ?geometry_type ?options ds name creates a layer named name in ds.

  • parameter spatial_reference

    defaults to no spatial reference.

  • parameter options

    defaults to an empty list.

  • returns

    Some layer on success or None if the layer could not be created.

val create_layer_exn : ?spatial_reference:Spatial_reference.t -> ?geometry_type:Geometry.wkb_t -> ?options:string list -> t -> string -> Layer.t

create_layer_exn ?spatial_reference ?geometry_type ?options ds name is like create_layer except that it raises Data_source_error if the layer can not be created.

val copy_layer : ?options:string list -> t -> Layer.t -> string -> Layer.t option

copy_layer ?options ds src name copies src to a layer named name in ds.

  • parameter options

    defaults to an empty list.

  • returns

    Some layer on success or None if the layer could not be copied/created.

val copy_layer_exn : ?options:string list -> t -> Layer.t -> string -> Layer.t

copy_layer_exn ?options ds src name is like copy_layer except that it raises Data_source_error if the layer can not be copied.


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