package gdal

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Warp Operations

type 'a t
val create : 'a Options.t -> 'a t

create o creates a warp operation value based on the given options.

val warp : ?offset:(int * int) -> ?size:(int * int) -> _ Options.t -> unit
val warp_multi : ?offset:(int * int) -> ?size:(int * int) -> _ Options.t -> unit

Convenience functions for carrying out a warping operation. They use the chunk_and_warp_* functions internally.

val chunk_and_warp_image : _ t -> offset:(int * int) -> size:(int * int) -> unit
val chunk_and_warp_multi : _ t -> offset:(int * int) -> size:(int * int) -> unit

chunk_and_warp_* t ~offset ~size carry out the warp operation t by chopping up the processing into chunks which are small enough to fit in the memory limits specified in the Options.t value used to create t.

  • parameter offset

    specifies the (x, y) pixel offset to target in the destination data source.

  • parameter size

    specifies the (x, y) size in pixels of the region to warp to in the destination data source.

val warp_region : _ t -> dst_offset:(int * int) -> dst_size:(int * int) -> src_offset:(int * int) -> src_size:(int * int) -> unit

warp_region op ~dst_offset ~dst_size ~src_offset ~src_size warps the defined region according to op.

val warp_region_to_buffer : ?buffer:('e, 'v, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array2.t -> _ t -> ('e, 'v) Band.Data.t -> dst_offset:(int * int) -> dst_size:(int * int) -> src_offset:(int * int) -> src_size:(int * int) -> ('e, 'v, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array2.t

warp_region_to_buffer is like warp_region except that it writes the result to buffer.

  • parameter buffer

    may be used to provide a pre-allocated output buffer.


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