package gdal

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

GDAL Algorithms

exception Algorithm_error
val proximity : ?options:string list -> src:(_, _) Band.t -> test:(_, _) Band.t -> unit

proximity ?options ~src ~test computes the pixel-by-pixel proximity between src and test.

val fill_nodata : ?options:string list -> target:(_, _) Band.t -> mask:(_, _) Band.t -> float -> int -> unit

fill_nodata ?options ~target ~mask distance iterations will fill in target's missing data pixels. See GDAL's GDALFillNoData documentation for an explanation of the function parameters.

val generate_contours : ?no_data:float -> ?id:int -> ?elevation:int -> ('v, 'e) Band.t -> Layer.t -> [ `fixed of float list | `interval of float * float ] -> unit

generate_contours ?no_data ?id ?elevation band layer contours will create contours from band, adding them to layer.

  • parameter no_data

    will be used as the "no data" value if specified.

  • parameter id

    specifies a field where an identifier for each contour written to layer.

  • parameter elevation

    specifies a field where the elevation value for each contour is written.

  • parameter band

    is the field to generate contours from.

  • parameter layer

    is the layer where contour geometries will be written to.

  • parameter contours

    specifies the contours to create. `fixed l will create contours for each value in l. `interval (start, step) will create intervals starting with start and step intervals past that.

val rasterize_geometries : ?transform:'a Transform.t -> ?options:string list -> Data_set.t -> int list -> (Geometry.t * float list) list -> unit

rasterize_geometries ?transform ?options ds bands geometries burn will will rasterize geometries onto ds.

  • parameter ds

    is the data set where output is written.

  • parameter bands

    specifies the list of bands to update.

  • parameter geometries

    is the list of geometries to burn in and the values to burn, one per entry in bands.

  • parameter transform

    specifies the transformation to pixel/line coordinates. Not required if ds and geometries use the same coordinates.

  • parameter options

    specifies rasterization options. See the documentation for GDALRasterizeGeometries for available options. Defaults to [].

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if the length of the burn value list(s) do not match the length of the band list.

val rasterize_layers : ?transform:'a Transform.t -> ?options:string list -> Data_set.t -> int list -> (Layer.t * float list) list -> unit

rasterize_layers ?transform ?options ds bands layers burn will will rasterize layers onto ds.

  • parameter ds

    is the data set where output is written.

  • parameter bands

    specifies the list of bands to update.

  • parameter layers

    is the list of layers to burn in and the values to burn, one per entry in bands.

  • parameter transform

    specifies the transformation to pixel/line coordinates. Not required if ds and layers use the same coordinates.

  • parameter options

    specifies rasterization options. See the documentation for GDALRasterizeLayers for available options. Defaults to [].

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if the length of the burn value list(s) do not match the length of the band list.

module Grid : sig ... end

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