package gdal

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
exception Invalid_transform

Input coordinates are provided as bigarrays.

Success/failure of coordinate transformations.

type image
type reprojection
type 'a t


val make_gen_img : ?gcp:(bool * int) -> [ `data_set of Data_set.t * Data_set.t | `wkt of (string * Geo_transform.t) * (string * Geo_transform.t) | `data_set_wkt of Data_set.t * string | `wkt_data_set of string * Data_set.t ] -> image t

make_gen_img ?gcp kind creates a transformation defined by kind.

Options for kind:

  • `data_set (src, dst)
  • `wkt ((src_wkt, src_geo_transform), (dst_wkt, dst_geo_transform)) uses GDALCreateGenImgTransformer3 internally, gcp is ignored
  • `data_set_wkt (src, (dst_wkt, dst_geo_transform))
  • `wkt_data_set (src_wkt, dst)
  • parameter gcp

    defaults to (true, 0). See GDAL's GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer documentation for an explanation of how GCPs may be used.

val set_dst_geo_transform : image t -> Geo_transform.t -> unit

set_dst_geo_transform t gt sets the destination geo transform matrix in t.

val make_reprojection : src:string -> dst:string -> reprojection t

make_reprojection ~src ~dst creates a transformation definition between the WKT definition in src and the WKT definition in dst.

val transform : _ t -> bool -> data_t -> data_t -> data_t -> result_t

transform t invert xs ys zs converts the coordinates xs, ys, zs according to the transformation defined in t.

  • parameter invert

    reverses the direction of the transformation t.

  • parameter xs

    is modified in place with the transformation result.

  • parameter ys

    is modified in place with the transformation result.

  • parameter zs

    is modified in place with the transformation result.

  • returns

    Some success where success is an array of values indicating whether an individual point's transformation is successful or not. None is returned if the overall transformation fails.


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