package stk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Range widget.

This widget allows selecting a float value between two bounds.


All properties are not inherited.

val value : float Props.prop

Property "range_value" to store the currnt value of the range.

val step : float Props.prop

Property "range_step" to specify a step. Used when some left/right or up/down arrows are pressed. Default is 0.1.

val bigstep : float Props.prop

Property "range_bigstep" to specify a step. Used when some page up/down keys are pressed. Default is 1..

val pole_size : int Props.prop

Property "pole_size" defines, in pixels, vertical or horizontal size of range poles. Default is 15.

val pole_width : int Props.prop

Property "pole_width" defines, in pixels, the width of range poles. Default is 4.

val pole_color_low : Color.t Props.prop

Property "pole_color_low" defines the color of the lower bound pole.

val pole_color_high : Color.t Props.prop

Property "pole_color_high" defines the color of the upper bound pole.

val line_width : int Props.prop

Property "range_line_width" defines the width, in pixels, of the line between the two poles. Default is 2.

val cursor_bg_color : Color.t Props.prop

Property "range_cursor_bg_color" defines the background color of range cursor.

val cursor_border_color : Color.t Props.prop

Property "range_cursor_border_color" defines the border color of range cursor.

Range widget

class range : ?class_:string option -> ?name:string option -> ?props:Props.t option -> unit -> object ... end

The range widget.

val range : ?class_:string -> ?name:string -> ?props:Props.t -> ?orientation:Props.orientation -> ?range:(float * float) -> ?step:float -> ?bigstep:float -> ?value:float -> ?pack:(Widget.widget -> unit) -> unit -> range

Convenient function to create a range. See widget_arguments for optional arguments class_, name, props and pack. Other arguments will set range properties.


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