package stk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


method orientation : Stk.Props.orientation
method set_orientation : Stk.Props.orientation -> unit
method inter_space : int
method set_inter_space : int -> unit
method justification : justification
method set_justification : justification -> unit
method items_alignment : item_alignment
method set_items_alignment : item_alignment -> unit
method content_alignment : content_alignment
method set_content_alignment : content_alignment -> unit
method wrap : bool
method set_wrap : bool -> unit
method wrap_on_break : bool
method set_wrap_on_break : bool -> unit
method collapse_spaces : bool
method set_collapse_spaces : bool -> unit

Accessing children

method widget_data : Stk.Widget.widget -> 'a0 option option

f#widget_data w returns the wdata associated the given widget w, or None if w is not a child of f.

method widget_index : Stk.Widget.widget -> int option

f#widget_index w returns the 0-based position of w in the children, or None if w is not a child of f.

method children_widgets : Stk.Widget.widget list

f#children_widgets returns the list of children widgets.

method reorder_child : Stk.Widget.widget -> int -> unit

f#reorder_child w pos moves w to pos in the children list. Does nothing if w is not a child of f.

Packing/unpacking widgets

method pack : ?pos:int -> ?data:'a1 -> ?kind:item_kind -> Stk.Widget.widget -> unit

f#pack w adds w to the children of f if it is not yet a child of f. Optional arguments are:

  • pos indicate the 0-based position to insert w. Default is to append w after all children.
  • data associates the given data to w.
  • kind specifies how w must be considered when arranging elements. Default is not to specify any kind, so that this property for this widget has default value (see Flex.item_kind).
method pack_space : ?props:Stk.Props.t -> ?pos:int -> ?data:'a2 -> unit -> space

f#pack_space () creates a widget and packs it. See flex.pack for arguments. Returns the created widget.

method pack_break : ?props:Stk.Props.t -> ?pos:int -> ?data:'a3 -> unit -> space

f#pack_break () creates a widget with `Break item kind and packs it. See flex.pack for arguments. Returns the created widget.

method unpack : Stk.Widget.widget -> unit

f#unpack w removes w from children. Does nothing if w is not a child of f.

method unpack_all : destroy:bool -> unit

f#unpack_all ~destroy removes all children from f. destroy indicates whether the destroy method must be called on each child after unpacking.


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