package stk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

An object. See widget_arguments for class_, name and props arguments.

Registered callbacks are unregistered when object is destroyed.

method id : Stk.Oid.t

The unique id of the object.

method as_o : o

Coercion to o.

method me : string

Returns a string representation of the object's name and id.

method props : Stk.Props.t

Returns the object properties. This is not a copy and should not be modified directly except if you know what you're doing. To set a property value, use the set_* methods provided by inheriting classes. If no such method is available for a property, you can use the set_p method below.

method get_p : 'a. 'a Stk.Props.prop -> 'a

o#get_p p returns value of property p in properties of o. If no value for p is set in o and p has no default value, then Misc.error.Missing_prop is raised.

method opt_p : 'a. 'a Stk.Props.prop -> 'a option

o#opt_p p returns value of property p in properties of o, if such a value is set.

method set_p : 'a. ?propagate:bool -> 'a Stk.Props.prop -> 'a -> unit

o#set_p p v sets value v to property p in properties of o. Optional argument propagate (defaults: false) can be used to indicat that this change must be propagated to children objects. Class o has no children, but inheriting classes may have and will override this method to implement propagation. The Prop_changed event is triggered if the value of p changed (properties are defined with a comparison function, allowing to detect a change).

method set_props : ?propagate:bool -> Stk.Props.t -> unit

o#set_props ?propagate props calls o#set_p ?propagate for each pair (property, value) in props.

method connect : 'a. 'a Stk.Events.ev -> 'a -> Stk.Events.callback_id

o#connect event cb registers cb to be called when event is triggered by o. Returns a callback id which can be used to unregister the callback.

method disconnect : Stk.Events.callback_id -> unit

disconnect id unregisters the callback with the given id.


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