package stk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Entry widgets.

module B = Textbuffer
val newline_char_codepoint : int Props.prop

Property used to define the character displayed instead of newline in single-line edition widgets. Default value is ↵ (U+21B5 (8629)).

class entry : ?class_:string option -> ?name:string option -> ?props:Props.t option -> unit -> object ... end
val entry : ?class_:string -> ?name:string -> ?props:Props.t -> ?editable:bool -> ?text:string -> ?pack:(Widget.widget -> unit) -> unit -> entry

Convenient function to create a entry. Optional arguments:

  • editable specifies whether the contents is editable by user (default is true).
  • text specifies the initial text (default is empty).

See widget_arguments for other arguments.


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