package mopsa

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
On This Page
  1. Utility functions
Module type
Class type
include module type of struct include SimplifiedValue end

Use the simplified signature for handling homogenous operators

module FI = SimplifiedValue.FI
include sig ... end
val debug : ('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit, unit) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a
val top_of_typ : Mopsa.typ -> I.t Mopsa.Bot.with_bot
module V : sig ... end
include module type of struct include V end
val id : t
val accept_type : Core.All.typ -> bool
val name : string
val display : string
val bottom : t
val top : t
val is_bottom : t -> bool
val subset : t -> t -> bool
val join : t -> t -> t
val meet : t -> t -> t
val widen : 'a Core.All.ctx -> t -> t -> t
val avalue : 'r Core.All.avalue_kind -> t -> 'r option
val backward : ('v, t) Abstraction__Value.value_man -> Core.All.expr -> t Abstraction__Value.vexpr -> 'v -> t Abstraction__Value.vexpr
val filter : bool -> Core.All.typ -> t -> t
val compare : ('v, t) Abstraction__Value.value_man -> Core.All.operator -> bool -> Core.All.expr -> t -> Core.All.expr -> t -> t * t
val eval_ext : ('v, t) Abstraction__Value.value_man -> Core.All.expr -> 'v option
val compare_ext : ('v, t) Abstraction__Value.value_man -> Core.All.operator -> bool -> Core.All.expr -> 'v -> Core.All.expr -> 'v -> ('v * 'v) option
val ask : ('v, t) Abstraction__Value.value_man -> ('a, 'r) Core.All.query -> 'r option
val print : Core.All.printer -> t -> unit

Utility functions

val of_z : Z.t -> Z.t -> t
val of_int : int -> int -> t
val z_of_z2 : Z.t -> Z.t -> bool -> Z.t
val z_of_mpzf : 'a -> Z.t
val z_of_mpqf : 'a -> bool -> Z.t
val z_of_apron_scalar : Apron.Scalar.t -> bool -> Z.t
val of_apron : Apron.Interval.t -> t
val to_apron : t -> Apron.Interval.t
val is_bounded : t -> bool
val bounds : t -> Z.t * Z.t
val bounds_opt : t -> Z.t option * Z.t option
val mem : Z.t -> t -> bool
val compare_interval : I.t Mopsa.Bot.with_bot -> I.t Mopsa.Bot.with_bot -> int
val map : (Z.t -> 'a) -> t -> 'a list

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