package mopsa

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type


This module allows adding new expressions to the extensible Mopsa AST.

New expressions are added by extending the type expr_kind. For example, to add an expression for subscript access to arrays

type expr_kind += E_array_subscript of expr * expr

New expressions need to be registered using register_expr as follows:

let () = register_expr {
    compare = (fun next e1 e2 ->
        match ekind e1, ekind e2 with
        | E_array_subscript(a1,i1), E_array_subscript(a2,i2) ->
          Compare.pair compare_expr compare_expr (a1,i1) (a2,i2)
        | _ -> next e1 e2
    print = (fun next fmt e ->
        match ekind e with
        | E_array_subscript(a,i) -> 
          Format.fprintf fmt "%a[%a]"
            pp_expr a
            pp_expr i
        | _ -> next fmt e

Registered expressions can be compare using function compare_expr and printed using the function pp_expr.

type expr_kind = ..

Extensible type of expression kinds

type expr = {
  1. ekind : expr_kind;

    kind of the expression

  2. etyp : Typ.typ;

    type of the expression

  3. erange : Mopsa_utils.Location.range;

    location range of the expression

  4. etrans : expr Semantic.SemanticMap.t;

    translations of the expression into other semantics

  5. ehistory : expr list;

    History of preceding evaluations of the expression



val compare_expr : expr -> expr -> int

compare_expr e1 e2 implements a total order between expressions

val pp_expr : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> expr -> unit

pp_expr fmt e pretty-prints expression e with format fmt

val ekind : expr -> expr_kind

Get the kind of an expression

val etyp : expr -> Typ.typ

Get the type of an expression

Get the location of an expression

Get the translation map of an expression

val ehistory : expr -> expr list

Get the evaluation history of an expression

val mk_expr : ?etyp:Typ.typ -> ?etrans:expr Semantic.SemanticMap.t -> ?ehistory:expr list -> expr_kind -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> expr

Construct an expression

val add_expr_translation : Semantic.semantic -> expr -> expr -> expr

Add a translation of an expression

val get_expr_translations : expr -> expr Semantic.SemanticMap.t

Get all translations of an expression

val get_expr_translation : Semantic.semantic -> expr -> expr

Get the translation of an expression into a given semantic

val get_expr_history : expr -> expr list

Get the evaluation history of an expression

val get_orig_expr : expr -> expr

Get the original form of an expression

val find_expr_ancestor : (expr -> bool) -> expr -> expr

Get the ancestor expression verifying a predicate


val register_expr : expr -> unit

register_expr info registers new expressions with their comparison function and pretty-printer info.print

val register_expr_compare : expr -> unit

register_expr_compare compare registers a new expression comparison

val register_expr_pp : expr Mopsa_utils.TypeExt.print -> unit

register_expr_compare compare registers a new expression printer

Some common expressions

Variable expressions

type expr_kind +=
  1. | E_var of Var.var * Var.mode option

    optional access mode overloading the variable's access mode



val mk_var : Var.var -> ?mode:Var.mode option -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> expr

Create a variable expression

val weaken_var_expr : expr -> expr

Change the access mode of a variable expression to WEAK

val strongify_var_expr : expr -> expr

Change the access mode of a variable expression to STRONG

val var_mode : Var.var -> Var.mode option -> Var.mode

Get the overloaded access mode of a variable

Heap addresses expressions

type expr_kind +=
  1. | E_addr of Addr.addr * Var.mode option

    optional access mode overloading the address access mode

  2. | E_alloc_addr of Addr.addr_kind * Var.mode

Heap addresses

val mk_addr : Addr.addr -> ?etyp:Typ.typ -> ?mode:Var.mode option -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> expr

Create an address expression

val mk_alloc_addr : ?mode:Var.mode -> Addr.addr_kind -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> expr

Create an allocation expression

val weaken_addr_expr : expr -> expr

Change the access mode of an address expression to WEAK

val strongify_addr_expr : expr -> expr

Change the access mode of an address expression to STRONG

Constant expressions

type expr_kind +=
  1. | E_constant of Constant.constant


val mk_constant : ?etyp:Typ.typ -> Constant.constant -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> expr

Create a constant expression

Create ⊤ expression of a given type

Unary expressions

type expr_kind +=
  1. | E_unop of Operator.operator * expr



Unary operator expressions

Create a unary operator expression

mk_not e range returns the negation of expression e using the operator Operator.O_log_not

Binary expressions

type expr_kind +=
  1. | E_binop of Operator.operator * expr * expr

    second operand


Binary operator expressions

Create a binary operator expression

val negate_expr : expr -> expr

Return the negation of an expression

Expressions containers

Sets of expression

Maps of expressions


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