package mopsa

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type



val opt_show_var_scope : bool Stdlib.ref
type terminal_command_kind =
  1. | Break of string

    Add a breakpoint

  2. | Continue

    Stop at next breakpoint

  3. | MopsaBackTrace

    Returns the current backtrace of Mopsa

  4. | Next

    Stop at next statement and skip function calls

  5. | Step

    Step into function calls

  6. | Finish

    Finish current function

  7. | NextI

    Stop at next statement and skip nodes in the interpretation sub-tree

  8. | StepI

    Step into interpretation sub-tree

  9. | Print of (string * string option) list * (string * int) option

    Print the abstract state or the value of variables

  10. | Env of string list

    Print the current abstract environment, associated to token T_cur, eventually projected on a list of domains

  11. | State

    Print the current abstract state

  12. | Where

    Show current program point

  13. | Info of info_command

    Print extra information

  14. | Enable of enable_command

    Enable an option

  15. | Disable of enable_command

    Disable an option

  16. | Set of set_command * string

    Set an option

  17. | Unset of set_command

    Unset an option

  18. | BackTrace

    Print the callstack

  19. | LoadScript of string
  20. | Trace
  21. | Backward


and info_command =
  1. | Alarms
  2. | Breakpoints
  3. | Tokens
  4. | Variables
  5. | Context

Information sub-commands

and enable_command =
  1. | Hook of string

Enable/Disable sub-commands

and set_command =
  1. | Debug
  2. | Script
  3. | ShowVarScope

Set/Unset sub-commands

type terminal_command_redirection =
  1. | Pipe of string
  2. | File of string
type terminal_command = {
  1. kind : terminal_command_kind;

    Optional flag

  2. redirection : terminal_command_redirection option;


val pp_terminal_command_kind : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> terminal_command_kind -> unit

Print a command

val pp_terminal_command_redirection : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> terminal_command_redirection -> unit
val pp_terminal_command : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> terminal_command -> unit
val print_usage : unit -> unit

Print help message

val print_prompt : unit -> unit

Print input prompt

val linedit_ctx : Mopsa_utils.LineEdit.ctx

Context of LineEdit library

val last_prompt_commands : string list Stdlib.ref

Reference to the last commands read from the prompt

val commands_buffer : string Stdlib.Queue.t

Buffer of upcoming commands to execute

val script : Stdlib.out_channel option Stdlib.ref
val read_terminal_command_string : unit -> string
exception ReadNewCommand
val parse_command_kind : string -> 'a Core.All.Flow.flow -> terminal_command_kind
val parse_command_redirection : string -> string * terminal_command_redirection option
val read_terminal_command : (string -> 'a) -> 'b Core.All.Flow.flow -> terminal_command

Read the next command

Pretty printers


module Addr : sig ... end
module AddrSet : sig ... end
val dummy_range : Mopsa_utils.Location.range
val pp_vars : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Action.action -> (Mopsa_utils.MapExt.StringMap.key * Mopsa_utils.MapExt.StringMap.key option) list -> ('a, 'b) -> 'a Core.All.Flow.flow -> unit

Print value of variables

val init : unit -> unit
val reach : Action.action -> 'a -> 'b -> unit
val pp_alarms : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Core.All.Alarm.alarm list -> unit
val alarm : Core.All.Alarm.alarm list -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> unit
val logger : string -> unit
val pp_output_command : Action.action -> 'a Envdb.envdb -> ('a, 'b) -> 'a Core.All.Flow.flow -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> terminal_command_kind -> unit
val process_output_command : terminal_command -> Action.action -> 'a Envdb.envdb -> ('a, 'b) -> 'a Core.All.Flow.flow -> unit
val read_command : Action.action -> 'a Envdb.envdb -> ('a, 'a) -> 'a Core.All.Flow.flow -> Interface.command
val finish : 'a -> 'b -> unit
val error : exn -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.