package mopsa

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  1. Debug queries
Module type
Class type

Queries to retrieve variable values during an interactive session

Debug queries


type var_value = {
  1. var_value : string option;

    Direct value of the variable

  2. var_value_type : Core.All.typ;

    Type of the value

  3. var_sub_value : var_sub_value option;

    Sub-values of the variable


Value of a variable

and var_sub_value =
  1. | Named_sub_value of (string * var_value) list

    Named sub-values are maps from field names to values

  2. | Indexed_sub_value of var_value list

    Indexed sub-values are arrays of values


Sub-value of a variable

type Core.All.query +=
  1. | Q_debug_variable_value : Core.All.var -> ('a0, var_value) Core.All.query

Query to retrieve the value of a given variable

type Core.All.query +=
  1. | Q_debug_addr_value : Core.All.addr -> ('a0, var_value) Core.All.query
val compare_var_value : var_value -> var_value -> int

Compare two var values

val compare_var_sub_value : var_sub_value -> var_sub_value -> int

Compare two var sub-values

val pp_key_with_type : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> (string * Core.All.typ) -> unit

Print a key with its type

val pp_var_with_type : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> (Core.All.var * Core.All.typ) -> unit

Print a variable with its type

val pp_var_value : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> var_value -> unit

Print the value of a variable

val pp_var_sub_value : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> var_sub_value -> unit

Print the values of sub-variables


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