package mopsa

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Abstract Syntax Tree for stub specification. Similar to the AST of the parser, except for expressions, types and variables for which MOPSA counterparts are used.

type stub_func = {
  1. stub_func_name : string;
  2. stub_func_body : section list;
  3. stub_func_params : Mopsa.var list;
  4. stub_func_locals : local Mopsa.with_range list;
  5. stub_func_assigns : assigns Mopsa.with_range list;
  6. stub_func_return_type : Mopsa.typ option;
  7. stub_func_range : Mopsa.range;

Stub for a function

and stub_directive = {
  1. stub_directive_body : section list;
  2. stub_directive_locals : local Mopsa.with_range list;
  3. stub_directive_assigns : assigns Mopsa.with_range list;
  4. stub_directive_range : Mopsa.range;

Stub for a global directive

Stub sections


and section =
  1. | S_case of case
  2. | S_leaf of leaf
and leaf =
  1. | S_local of local Mopsa.with_range
  2. | S_assumes of assumes Mopsa.with_range
  3. | S_requires of requires Mopsa.with_range
  4. | S_assigns of assigns Mopsa.with_range
  5. | S_ensures of ensures Mopsa.with_range
  6. | S_free of free Mopsa.with_range
  7. | S_message of message Mopsa.with_range
and case = {
  1. case_label : string;
  2. case_body : leaf list;
  3. case_locals : local Mopsa.with_range list;
  4. case_assigns : assigns Mopsa.with_range list;
  5. case_range : Mopsa.range;

Leaf sections


and requires = formula Mopsa.with_range
and local = {
  1. lvar : Mopsa.var;
  2. lval : local_value;
and local_value =
  1. | L_new of resource
  2. | L_call of Mopsa.expr * Mopsa.expr list
and assigns = {
  1. assign_target : Mopsa.expr;
  2. assign_offset : interval list;
and free = Mopsa.expr
and message = {
  1. message_kind : message_kind;
  2. message_body : string;
and message_kind =
  1. | WARN
  2. | UNSOUND
and log_binop = Mopsa_c_stubs_parser.Cst.log_binop =
  1. | AND
  2. | OR
  3. | IMPLIES
and set =
  1. | S_interval of interval
  2. | S_resource of resource
and interval = Mopsa.expr * Mopsa.expr



val compare_assigns : assigns -> assigns -> int
val compare_resource : 'a -> 'a -> int
val compare_set : set -> set -> int
val compare_formula : formula Mopsa.with_range -> formula Mopsa.with_range -> int


type quant =
  1. | FORALL
  2. | EXISTS


type Mopsa.expr_kind +=
  1. | E_stub_call of stub_func * Mopsa.expr list


  2. | E_stub_return

    Returned value of a stub

  3. | E_stub_builtin_call of builtin * Mopsa.expr list

    Call to a built-in function

  4. | E_stub_attribute of Mopsa.expr * string

    Access to an attribute of a resource

  5. | E_stub_alloc of string * Mopsa.mode

    strong or weak

  6. | E_stub_resource_mem of Mopsa.expr * resource

    Filter environments in which an instance is in a resource pool

  7. | E_stub_primed of Mopsa.expr

    Primed expressions denoting values in the post-state

  8. | E_stub_quantified_formula of (quant * Mopsa.var * set) list * Mopsa.expr

    Quantifier-free formula

  9. | E_stub_otherwise of Mopsa.expr * Mopsa.expr option


  10. | E_stub_raise of string


  11. | E_stub_if of Mopsa.expr * Mopsa.expr * Mopsa.expr



Conditional stub expression


type Mopsa.stmt_kind +=
  1. | S_stub_directive of stub_directive

    A call to a stub directive, which are stub functions called at the initialization of the analysis. Useful to initialize variables with stub formulas.

  2. | S_stub_free of Mopsa.expr

    Release a resource

  3. | S_stub_requires of Mopsa.expr

    Filter the current environments that verify a condition, and raise an alarm if the condition may be violated.

  4. | S_stub_prepare_all_assigns of assigns list

    Prepare primed copies of assigned objects

  5. | S_stub_assigns of assigns

    Declare an assigned object

  6. | S_stub_clean_all_assigns of assigns list

    Clean the post-state of primed copies


Heap addresses for resources


type Mopsa.addr_kind +=
  1. | A_stub_resource of string

    resource address


Utility functions


val mk_stub_builtin_call : builtin -> Mopsa.expr list -> etyp:Ast.Typ.typ -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val mk_stub_resource_mem : Mopsa.expr -> resource -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val mk_stub_prepare_all_assigns : assigns Mopsa.with_range list -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.stmt
val mk_stub_assigns : Mopsa.expr -> interval list -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.stmt
val mk_stub_clean_all_assigns : assigns Mopsa.with_range list -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.stmt
val mk_stub_requires : Mopsa.expr -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.stmt
val mk_stub_quantified_formula : ?etyp:Mopsa.typ -> (quant * Mopsa.var * set) list -> Mopsa.expr -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val mk_stub_otherwise : Mopsa.expr -> Mopsa.expr option -> ?etyp:Mopsa.typ -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val is_stub_primed : Ast.Expr.expr -> bool
val find_var_quantifier : Mopsa.var -> ('a * Mopsa.var * 'b) list -> 'a * 'b
val find_var_quantifier_opt : Mopsa.var -> ('a * Mopsa.var * 'b) list -> ('a * 'b) option
val is_quantified_var : Mopsa.var -> ('a * Mopsa.var * 'b) list -> bool
val is_forall_quantified_var : Mopsa.var -> (quant * Mopsa.var * 'a) list -> bool
val is_exists_quantified_var : Mopsa.var -> (quant * Mopsa.var * 'a) list -> bool
val find_quantified_var_interval : Mopsa.var -> ('a * Mopsa.var * set) list -> Mopsa.expr * Mopsa.expr
val find_quantified_var_interval_opt : Mopsa.var -> ('a * Mopsa.var * set) list -> (Mopsa.expr * Mopsa.expr) option
val negate_stub_quantified_formula : (quant * 'a * 'b) list -> Mopsa.expr -> (quant * 'a * 'b) list * Mopsa.expr

Visit expressions present in a formula

val mk_stub_alloc_resource : ?mode:Mopsa.mode -> string -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> Mopsa.expr
val negate_log_binop : log_binop -> log_binop

Pretty printers


val pp_builtin : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Parsing.Cst.builtin -> unit
val pp_log_binop : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Mopsa_c_stubs_parser.Ast.log_binop -> unit
val pp_quantifier : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> quant -> unit
val pp_formula : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> formula Mopsa.with_range -> unit
val pp_set : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> set -> unit
val pp_interval : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> interval -> unit
val pp_resource : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> resource -> unit
val pp_list : (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> (unit, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit) Stdlib.format -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
val pp_opt : ('a -> 'b -> unit) -> 'a -> 'b option -> unit
val pp_local : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> local Mopsa.with_range -> unit
val pp_local_value : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> local_value -> unit
val pp_requires : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> formula Mopsa.with_range Mopsa.with_range -> unit
val pp_assigns : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> assigns Mopsa.with_range -> unit
val pp_assumes : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> assumes Mopsa.with_range -> unit
val pp_ensures : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> formula Mopsa.with_range Mopsa.with_range -> unit
val pp_free : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Mopsa.expr Mopsa.with_range -> unit
val pp_message : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> message Mopsa.with_range -> unit
val pp_leaf_section : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> leaf -> unit
val pp_leaf_sections : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> leaf list -> unit
val pp_case : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> case -> unit
val pp_section : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> section -> unit
val pp_sections : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> section list -> unit
val pp_stub_func : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> stub_func -> unit
val pp_stub_directive : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> stub_directive -> unit

Registration of expressions

Registration of statements


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