package mopsa

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t =
  1. | TOP
  2. | BOT
  3. | ZERO
  4. | NON_ZERO
include sig ... end
val id : t
val name : string
val display : string
val debug : ('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit, unit) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a
val accept_type : Mopsa.typ -> bool
val bottom : t
val top : t
val is_bottom : t -> bool
val subset : t -> t -> bool
val join : t -> t -> t
val meet : t -> t -> t
val widen : 'a -> t -> t -> t
val print : Mopsa.printer -> t -> unit
include module type of struct include Mopsa.Sig.Abstraction.Simplified_value.DefaultValueFunctions end

Template module with default transfer functions

Template module with default transfer functions

Template module with default transfer functions

Template module with default transfer functions

val backward_unop : Core.All.operator -> Core.All.typ -> 't -> Core.All.typ -> 't -> 't
val backward_binop : Core.All.operator -> Core.All.typ -> 't -> Core.All.typ -> 't -> Core.All.typ -> 't -> 't * 't
val avalue : 'r Core.All.avalue_kind -> 't -> 'r option
val constant : Mopsa.constant -> 'a -> t
val unop : Mopsa.operator -> 'a -> t -> 'b -> t
val binop : Mopsa.operator -> 'a -> t -> 'b -> t -> 'c -> t
val filter : bool -> 'a -> t -> t
val compare : Mopsa.operator -> bool -> Core.All.typ -> t -> Core.All.typ -> t -> t * t

Innovation. Community. Security.