package mopsa

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Signature of a value abstraction.

Value manager

type ('v, 't) value_man = {
  1. bottom : 'v;
  2. top : 'v;
  3. is_bottom : 'v -> bool;
  4. subset : 'v -> 'v -> bool;
  5. join : 'v -> 'v -> 'v;
  6. meet : 'v -> 'v -> 'v;
  7. print : Core.All.printer -> 'v -> unit;
  8. get : 'v -> 't;
  9. set : 't -> 'v -> 'v;
  10. eval : Core.All.expr -> 'v;
  11. avalue : 'r. 'r Core.All.avalue_kind -> 'v -> 'r;
  12. ask : 'a 'r. ('a, 'r) Core.All.query -> 'r;

Manager of value abstractions

Valued expressions

type 'v vexpr

Valued exprssions annotate each node in the tree of the expression with its abstract value

val empty_vexpr : 'v vexpr

Empty valued expression

val singleton_vexpr : Core.All.expr -> 'v -> 'v vexpr -> 'v vexpr

Singleton representing a leaf expression and its value

val root_vexpr : 'v vexpr -> 'v vexpr

Get the root value expressions

val add_vexpr : Core.All.expr -> 'v -> 'v vexpr -> 'v vexpr -> 'v vexpr

Attache a value to a sub-expression in a value expression

val refine_vexpr : Core.All.expr -> 'v -> 'v vexpr -> 'v vexpr

Change the value of a sub-expression in a value expression

val find_vexpr : Core.All.expr -> 'v vexpr -> 'v * 'v vexpr

Find the value of a sub-expression in a valued expression. ** Raises Not_found if the sub-expression is not found.

val find_vexpr_opt : Core.All.expr -> 'v vexpr -> ('v * 'v vexpr) option

Same as find_ctx_opt but returns None if the sub-expression is not found

val map_vexpr : ('v -> 's) -> 'v vexpr -> 's vexpr

Map the value of each sub-expression

val fold_root_vexpr : ('a -> Core.All.expr -> 'v -> 'v vexpr -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'v vexpr -> 'a

Fold over the direct sub-expressions only

val fold_vexpr : ('a -> Core.All.expr -> 'v -> 'v vexpr -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'v vexpr -> 'a

Fold over all sub-expression

val map2_vexpr : ('v -> 't) -> ('s -> 't) -> ('v -> 's -> 't) -> 'v vexpr -> 's vexpr -> 't vexpr

Combine two valued expressions

val merge_vexpr : ('v -> 'v -> 'v) -> 'v vexpr -> 'v vexpr -> 'v vexpr

Combine two valued expressions

Value domain

module type VALUE = sig ... end
val default_filter : bool -> Core.All.typ -> 't -> 't
val default_backward : ('v, 't) value_man -> Core.All.expr -> 't vexpr -> 'v -> 't vexpr
val default_compare : ('v, 't) value_man -> Core.All.operator -> bool -> Core.All.expr -> 't -> Core.All.expr -> 't -> 't * 't
module DefaultValueFunctions : sig ... end

Helper module defining default transfer functions


val register_value_abstraction : (module VALUE) -> unit

Register a new value abstraction

val find_value_abstraction : string -> (module VALUE)

Find a value abstraction by its name

val mem_value_abstraction : string -> bool

Check if an abstraction exists

val value_abstraction_names : unit -> string list

Get the list of registered abstractions


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