package zelus

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module E : sig ... end
exception Already_defined of string
exception Cannot_find_file of string
type env = {
  1. mutable name : string;
  2. mutable values : Global.value_desc E.t;
  3. mutable types : Global.type_desc E.t;
  4. mutable constr : Global.constr_desc E.t;
  5. mutable label : Global.label_desc E.t;
type modules = {
  1. current : env;
  2. mutable opened : env list;
  3. mutable modules : env E.t;
val current : env
val modules : modules
val clear : unit -> unit
val findfile : string -> string
val load_module : string -> 'a
val find_module : E.key -> env
val find : (string -> env -> 'a) -> Lident.t -> 'a
val open_module : E.key -> unit
val initialize : string -> unit
val add_value : E.key -> Global.value_desc -> unit
val add_type : E.key -> Global.type_desc -> unit
val add_constr : E.key -> Global.constr_desc -> unit
val add_label : E.key -> Global.label_desc -> unit
val write : Stdlib.out_channel -> unit
val qualify : string -> Lident.qualident
val longname : string -> Lident.t
val shortname : Lident.qualident -> string
val currentname : Lident.t -> Lident.t
val qualident : Lident.t -> Lident.qualident
val current_module : unit -> string

Innovation. Community. Security.