package zelus

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type error =
  1. | Eunbound_type_constr of Lident.t
  2. | Eunbound_global_value of Lident.t
  3. | Etype_constr_arity of Lident.t * int * int
  4. | Eunbound_type_var of string
  5. | Erepeated_type_param of string
  6. | Erepeated_constructor of string
  7. | Erepeated_label of string
  8. | Ealready_defined_type of string
  9. | Ealready_defined_constr of string
  10. | Ealready_defined_label of string
  11. | Ealready_defined_value of string
  12. | Ecyclic_abbreviation
exception Error of Zlocation.location * error
val error : Zlocation.location -> error -> 'a
val message : Zlocation.location -> error -> 'a
val make : 'a -> 'a Zelus.localized
val global : string -> 'a -> 'a
val free_of_type : string list -> Zelus.type_expression -> string list
val constr_name : Zlocation.location -> Lident.t -> int -> Lident.qualident
val kindtype : Zelus.kind -> Deftypes.kind
val kindoftype : Deftypes.kind -> Zelus.kind
val typ_of_type_expression : (string * Deftypes.typ) list -> Zelus.type_expression -> Deftypes.typ
val type_expression_of_typ : Deftypes.typ -> Zelus.type_expression
val type_decl_of_type_desc : 'a -> Global.type_desc -> 'a * string list * Zelus.type_decl_desc Zelus.localized
val check_no_repeated_type_param : Zlocation.location -> string list -> unit
val check_no_repeated_constructor : Zlocation.location -> Zelus.constr_decl_desc Zelus.localized list -> unit
val check_no_repeated_label : Zlocation.location -> (string * 'a) list -> unit
val type_variant_type : (string * Deftypes.typ) list -> Zelus.constr_decl_desc Zelus.localized list -> Deftypes.typ -> Global.constr_desc list
val type_record_type : (string * Deftypes.typ) list -> (string * Zelus.type_expression) list -> Deftypes.typ -> Global.label_desc list
val make_initial_typ_environment : Zlocation.location -> Modules.E.key -> string list -> Global.type_desc
val typedecl : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Zlocation.location -> Modules.E.key -> string list -> Zelus.type_decl_desc Zelus.localized -> unit
val add_type_of_value : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Zlocation.location -> Modules.E.key -> bool -> Deftypes.typ_scheme -> unit
val update_type_of_value : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Zlocation.location -> Modules.E.key -> bool -> Deftypes.typ_scheme -> unit
val constdecl : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Zlocation.location -> Modules.E.key -> Zelus.type_expression -> unit
val fundecl : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Zlocation.location -> Modules.E.key -> Zelus.type_expression -> unit
val interface : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Zelus.interface_desc Zelus.localized -> unit
val interface_list : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Zelus.interface_desc Zelus.localized list -> unit

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