package orsetto

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) output formatter.


Specialization of


to output texts in the JSON format. Combinators are provided for the basic JSON types to be used for directly emitting application data as JSON text. Additional conveniences are provided for emitting encapsulated JSON values as text. All output is encoded in UTF-8.

type 'a t = private 'a Cf_emit.To_formatter.t

The type of JSON emitters.

Basic Emitters
val null : unit t

The emitter for the JSON null literal

val boolean : bool t

The emitter for JSON boolean values.

val integer : int t

The emitter for integers as JSON numeric values.

val int32 : int32 t

The emitter for 32-bit integers as JSON numeric values.

val int64 : int64 t

The emitter for 64-bit integers as JSON numeric values.

val float : float t

The emitter for floats as JSON numeric values.

val string : Ucs_text.t t

The emitter for Unicode texts as JSON string literals.

val array : ('a -> unit t Seq.t) -> 'a t

Use array f to make an emitter for values represented as JSON arrays. Applies the emitted value to f and elaborates the returned sequence of sealed emitters as a JSON array.

val objval : ('a -> (Ucs_text.t * unit t) Seq.t) -> 'a t

Use objval f to make an emitter for values represented as JSON objects. Applies the emitted value to f and elaborates the returned sequence of key/value pairs as a JSON object. The value of each field is a sealed emitter.

Opaque Types
module Opaque : sig ... end

A submodule containing logic for emitting JSON texts from values of type Cf_type.opaque according to optional mode selectors.

Abstract Data
module Render : sig ... end

A submodule to encapsulate functions for use with data rendering models.

val to_text : Cf_type.opaque -> Ucs_text.t

Use to_text v to format v as a Unicode text. Raises Invalid_argument if v was not witnessed with a type compatible with JSON encoding.

  • deprecated Use Opaque.to_text instead!
val value : Cf_type.opaque t

An opaque value emitter created by Opaque.value with default mode.

  • deprecated Use Opaque.value instead!

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