package orsetto

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

A distinguished instance of tables of int type elements.

  • deprecated Private use only!
type t

Abstract type containing internal structure of table.

val nil : t

A distinguished empty table.

val empty : t -> bool

Use empty t to test if t is an empty table.

val of_seq : int Seq.t -> t

Use of_seq s to construct a table from the sequence of vector elements s.

val find : (int, 'r) Cf_bsearch.ret -> int -> t -> 'r

Use find ret key tab to search for key in tab and use the binary search return adapter ret to construct the result.

val member : int -> t -> bool

Use member key tab to check if key is to be found in tab.

Use search key tab to return Some index for key if it can be found in tab and None otherwise.

val require : int -> t -> int

Use require key tab to return index for key if it can be found in tab. Raises Not_found if key is not in tab.

val to_seq : t -> int Seq.t

Use to_seq tab to make a sequence of the elements in the underlying vector. These are presented in binary search order, not monotonically increasing order.

module Unsafe : sig ... end

Unsafe interfaces depend on the internal structure of tables.


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