package core_extended

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
include module type of struct include Extended_common end
val run_main : (unit -> unit) -> _
val write_wrap : ?mode:[ `Clobber | `Append | `Atomic | `Atomic_update ] -> f:(out_channel -> 'a) -> string -> 'a

write_wrap ~atomic ~f fname Runs f on an out_channel. If mode is `Atomic or `Atomic_update is set all the changes will be written to a temporary file which will then be moved over fname otherwise we are writing straight to fname.

Values for mode:

  • `Clobber: clear the file on opening (this is the default value)
  • `Append: append to the file
  • `Atomic: replace the file atomically when we are done writing it
  • `Atomic_update: replace the file atomically when we are done writing it iff its content has been modified.
include module type of struct include Textutils end
include module type of struct include Textutils_kernel end
module Text_block = Textutils.Text_block
module Text_graph = Textutils.Text_graph
module Ascii_table = Textutils.Ascii_table
module Console = Textutils.Console
module Alternating_primary_backup_assignment = Alternating_primary_backup_assignment
module Array : sig ... end
module Atomic_edit = Atomic_edit
module Bin_io_utils = Bin_io_utils
module Bitarray = Bitarray
module Cache = Cache
module Color_print = Color_print
module Service_command = Service_command
module Csv_writer = Csv_writer
module Date : sig ... end
module Deprecated_fcommand = Deprecated_fcommand
module Deprecated_command = Deprecated_command
module Deprecated_service_command = Deprecated_service_command
module English = English
module Environment = Environment
module Documented_match_statement = Documented_match_statement
module Exception_check = Exception_check
module Exn : sig ... end
module Extra_fields = Extra_fields
module Fd_leak_check = Fd_leak_check
module Filename : sig ... end
module Find = Find
module Fold_map = Fold_map
module Float : sig ... end
module Float_ref = Float_ref
module Gc : sig ... end
module Hashtbl : sig ... end
module Hashtbl2 = Hashtbl2
module Hashtbl2_pair = Hashtbl2_pair
module Int : sig ... end
module Int32 : sig ... end
module Int63 : sig ... end
module Int64 : sig ... end
module Interval_map = Interval_map
module Invocation = Invocation
module Lazy_sequence = Lazy_sequence
module Low_level_debug = Low_level_debug
module Nativeint : sig ... end
module Number = Number
module Thread : sig ... end
module Timed_function = Timed_function
module Lazy_list = Lazy_list
module Lazy_m = Lazy_m
module Linebuf = Linebuf
module Linux_ext : sig ... end
module List : sig ... end
module List_zipper = List_zipper
module Logger = Logger
module Memo : sig ... end
module Multi_map = Multi_map
module Net_utils = Net_utils
module Packed_array = Packed_array
module Packed_map = Packed_map
module Flang = Flang
module Olang = Olang
module Set_lang = Set_lang
module Pp = Pp
module Printc = Printc
module Process = Process
module Procfs = Procfs
module Prod_or_test = Prod_or_test
module Random_selection = Random_selection
module Readline = Readline
module Result : sig ... end
module Runtime_blockout_detector = Runtime_blockout_detector
module Rw_mutex = Rw_mutex
module Sampler = Sampler
module Semaphore = Semaphore
module Sendmail = Sendmail
module Sexp : sig ... end
module Shell = Shell
module Sntp = Sntp
module String : sig ... end
module String_zipper = String_zipper
module Sys : sig ... end
module Sys_utils = Sys_utils
module Tcp = Tcp
module Time : sig ... end
module Unix : sig ... end
module Unix_utils = Unix_utils
module Update_queue = Update_queue

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