package core_extended

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Read/write mutexes

  • author Markus Mottl <mmottl\>


Real types

type 'pref t

Type of r/w mutexes

Phantom types

type pref = [
  1. | `Readers
  2. | `Writers
  3. | `NoPref

Preference for readers, writers, or no preference

type 'pref kind

Preference kind of read/write mutexes

Phantom values

val r_pref : [ `Readers ] kind

r_pref preference kind for readers.

val w_pref : [ `Writers ] kind

w_pref preference kind for writers.

val np_pref : [ `NoPref ] kind

np_pref no preference for readers or writers.

Mutex operations

val create : 'pref kind -> 'pref t

create pref

  • returns

    a r/w-mutex with preference kind pref.

val r_lock : [< pref ] t -> unit

r_lock mtx locks mtx for a reader.

val r_unlock : [< pref ] t -> unit

r_unlock mtx unlocks mtx for a reader.

val w_lock : [< pref ] t -> unit

w_lock mtx locks mtx for a writer.

val w_unlock : [< pref ] t -> unit

w_unlock mtx unlocks mtx for a writer.

val try_r_lock : [< pref ] t -> bool

try_r_lock mtx tries to lock mtx for a reader without blocking.

  • returns

    true iff mtx could be locked, false otherwise.

val try_w_lock : [< pref ] t -> bool

try_w_lock mtx tries to lock mtx for a writer without blocking.

  • returns

    true iff mtx could be locked, false otherwise.

val wrap_r_lock : [< pref ] t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

wrap_r_lock mtx f locks mtx for a reader, executes f and unlocks the mutex again.

  • returns

    the result of f.

val try_wrap_r_lock : [< pref ] t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a option

try_wrap_r_lock mtx f tries to lock mtx for a reader without blocking, executes f and unlocks the mutex again.

  • returns

    Some res, where res is the result of f, iff the mutex could be locked, None otherwise.

val btry_wrap_r_lock : [< pref ] t -> (unit -> unit) -> bool

btry_wrap_r_lock mtx f tries to lock mtx for a reader without blocking, executes f and unlocks the mutex again.

  • returns

    true iff the mutex could be locked, false otherwise.

val wrap_w_lock : [< pref ] t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

wrap_w_lock mtx f locks mtx for a writer, executes f and unlocks the mutex again.

  • returns

    the result of f.

val try_wrap_w_lock : [< pref ] t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a option

try_wrap_w_lock mtx f tries to lock mtx for a writer without blocking, executes f and unlocks the mutex again.

  • returns

    Some res, where res is the result of f, iff the mutex could be locked, None otherwise.

val btry_wrap_w_lock : [< pref ] t -> (unit -> unit) -> bool

btry_wrap_w_lock mtx f tries to lock mtx for a writer without blocking, executes f and unlocks the mutex again.

  • returns

    true iff the mutex could be locked, false otherwise.


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