package cil

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module E = Errormsg
module DF = Dataflow
module UD = Usedef
module L = Liveness
module IH = Inthash
module U = Util
module S = Stats
val debug_fn : string Pervasives.ref
val doTime : bool Pervasives.ref
val time : string -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
module IOS : sig ... end
val debug : bool Pervasives.ref
val ih_inter : 'a IH.t -> 'b IH.t -> 'a IH.t
val ih_union : 'a IH.t -> 'a IH.t -> 'a IH.t
val iosh_singleton_lookup : IOS.t IH.t -> Cil.varinfo -> IOS.elt
val iosh_lookup : 'a IH.t -> Cil.varinfo -> 'a option
val iosh_defId_find : IOS.t IH.t -> int -> int option
val iosh_combine : IOS.t IH.t -> IOS.t IH.t -> IOS.t IH.t
val iosh_equals : IOS.t IH.t -> IOS.t IH.t -> bool
val iosh_replace : IOS.t IH.t -> int -> Cil.varinfo -> unit
val iosh_filter_dead : 'a -> 'b -> 'a
val proc_defs : UD.VS.t -> IOS.t IH.t -> (unit -> int) -> unit
val idMaker : unit -> int -> unit -> int
val iRDsHtbl : (int * bool, (unit * int * IOS.t IH.t) list) Hashtbl.t
val instrRDs : Cil.instr list -> int -> ('a * int * IOS.t IH.t) -> bool -> (unit * int * IOS.t IH.t) list
type rhs =
  1. | RDExp of Cil.exp
  2. | RDCall of Cil.instr
val rhsHtbl : (rhs * int * IOS.t IH.t) option IH.t
val getDefRhs : Cil.stmt IH.t -> ('a * int * IOS.t IH.t) IH.t -> int -> (rhs * int * IOS.t IH.t) option
val prettyprint : Cil.stmt IH.t -> ('a * int * IOS.t IH.t) IH.t -> unit -> ('b * 'c * IOS.t IH.t) -> Pretty.doc
module ReachingDef : sig ... end
module RD : sig ... end
val iosh_none_fill : IOS.t IH.t -> Cil.varinfo list -> unit
val clearMemos : unit -> unit
val computeRDs : Cil.fundec -> unit
val getRDs : int -> (unit * int * IOS.t IH.t) option
val getDefIdStmt : int -> Cil.stmt option
val getStmt : int -> Cil.stmt option
val getSimpRhs : int -> rhs option
val isDefInstr : Cil.instr -> int -> bool
val ppFdec : Cil.fundec -> Pretty.doc
class rdVisitorClass : object ... end

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