package biotk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type 'a item = [
  1. | `Comment of string
  2. | `Record of 'a
type strand = [
  1. | `Plus
  2. | `Minus
  3. | `Not_relevant
  4. | `Unknown
val parse_strand : string -> (strand, string) Stdlib.result
val unparse_strand : strand -> string
module type Record = sig ... end
module type S = sig ... end
module Record : Record
include S with type record := Record.t
val load : string -> Record.t item list
val load_records : string -> Record.t list
val load_as_lmap : string -> Record.t GAnnot.LMap.t
val save : Record.t item list -> string -> unit
val save_records : Record.t list -> string -> unit
module Bed3 : sig ... end
module Bed4 : sig ... end
module Bed5 : sig ... end
module Bed6 : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.