package ocamlnet

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type representation = [
  1. | `MIME of Netmime.mime_message
  2. | `Simple of Netmime.mime_body
type store = [
  1. | `File of string
  2. | `Memory
exception Oversized
exception Too_many_arguments
class type cgi_argument = object ... end
class type rw_cgi_argument = object ... end
class simple_arg : ?ro:bool -> string -> string -> rw_cgi_argument
class mime_arg : ?work_around_backslash_bug:bool -> ?name:string -> Netmime.mime_message -> rw_cgi_argument
type config = {
  1. tmp_directory : string;
  2. tmp_prefix : string;
  3. permitted_http_methods : [ `DELETE | `GET | `HEAD | `POST | `PUT ] list;
  4. permitted_input_content_types : string list;
  5. input_content_length_limit : int;
  6. max_arguments : int;
  7. workarounds : [ `Backslash_bug | `MSIE_Content_type_bug | `Work_around_MSIE_Content_type_bug | `Work_around_backslash_bug ] list;
  8. default_exn_handler : bool;
type output_type = [
  1. | `Direct of string
  2. | `Transactional of config -> Netchannels.out_obj_channel -> Netchannels.trans_out_obj_channel
val fix_MSIE_Content_type_bug : string -> string
val is_MSIE : string -> bool
class cgi_environment : config:config -> properties:(string * string) list -> input_header: (string * string) list -> Netchannels.out_obj_channel -> object ... end
type other_url_spec = [
  1. | `Env
  2. | `None
  3. | `This of string
type query_string_spec = [
  1. | `Args of rw_cgi_argument list
  2. | `Env
  3. | `None
  4. | `This of cgi_argument list
type cache_control = [
  1. | `Max_age of int
  2. | `No_cache
  3. | `Unspecified
type request_method = [
  1. | `DELETE
  2. | `GET
  3. | `HEAD
  4. | `POST
  5. | `PUT of cgi_argument
val string_of_request_method : request_method -> string
type arg_store_type = [
  1. | `Automatic
  2. | `Automatic_max of float
  3. | `Discard
  4. | `File
  5. | `File_max of float
  6. | `Memory
  7. | `Memory_max of float
type arg_store = cgi_environment -> string -> Netmime.mime_header_ro -> arg_store_type
class cgi : cgi_environment -> output_type -> request_method -> cgi_argument list -> object ... end
exception HTTP of Nethttp.http_status * string
val exn_handler_default : cgi_environment -> exn_handler:(cgi_environment -> (unit -> unit) -> unit) -> finally:(unit -> unit) -> (unit -> exn option) -> unit
val error_page : cgi_environment -> Nethttp.http_status -> (string * string list) list -> string -> string -> unit
val update_props_inheader : (string * string) -> ((string * string) list * (string * string) list) -> (string * string) list * (string * string) list
val rm_htspace : (char -> bool) -> string -> int -> int -> string
val rev_split : (char -> bool) -> string -> string list
val is_prefix : string -> string -> bool
type http_method = [
  1. | `DELETE
  2. | `GET
  3. | `HEAD
  4. | `POST
  5. | `PUT
val string_of_http_method : http_method -> string

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