package octez-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Command Line Interpretation Combinators.

Supports command lines of the following form:

executable [global options] command [command options]

Global options must be passed before the command, and may define the set of supported commands.

Commands are series of fixed keywords and positional arguments, in order to support command lines close to a natural language.

Argument parsers.

type ('a, 'ctx) parameter

The type for argument parsers, used for both positional and optional arguments.

The first type parameter is the OCaml type of the argument once parsed from its string notation. The second parameter is a context that is passed throughout the parsing of the command line. Some parameters (for instance a simple int) can remain polymorphic, while others need a context to be parsed. Of course, a command line can only contain parameters that bear the same context type.

val parameter : ?autocomplete: ('ctx -> string list Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult Lwt.t) -> ('ctx -> string -> 'a Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult Lwt.t) -> ('a, 'ctx) parameter

Build an argument parser, combining a parsing function and an autocompletion function. The autocompletion must simply return the list of all valid values for the parameter.

val compose_parameters : ('a, 'ctx) parameter -> ('a, 'ctx) parameter -> ('a, 'ctx) parameter

Build an argument parser by composing two other parsers. The resulting parser will try the first parser and if it fails will try the second. The auto-complete contents of the two will be concatenated.

val map_parameter : f:('a -> 'b) -> ('a, 'ctx) parameter -> ('b, 'ctx) parameter

Map a pure function over the result of a parameter parser.

val map_es_parameter : f:('ctx -> 'a -> 'b Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult Lwt.t) -> ('a, 'ctx) parameter -> ('b, 'ctx) parameter

Same as map_parameter but with a function taking the ctxt and returning in the lwt result monad.

Flags and Options

type ('a, 'ctx) arg

The type for optional arguments (and switches).

Extends a parser with a parameter name and a placeholder to display in help screens.

Also adds a documentation for the switch, that must be of the form "lowercase short description\nOptional longer description.".

val constant : 'a -> ('a, 'ctx) arg
val arg : doc:string -> ?short:char -> long:string -> placeholder:string -> ('a, 'ctx) parameter -> ('a option, 'ctx) arg

arg ~doc ~long ?short converter creates an argument to a command. The ~long argument is the long format, without the double dashes. The ?short argument is the optional one letter shortcut. If the argument is not provided, None is returned.

val multiple_arg : doc:string -> ?short:char -> long:string -> placeholder:string -> ('a, 'ctx) parameter -> ('a list option, 'ctx) arg

multiple_arg ~doc ~long ?short converter creates an argument to a command. The ~long argument is the long format, without the double dashes. The ?short argument is the optional one letter shortcut. If the argument is not provided, None is returned. Multiple occurrence of the argument is allowed in the command.

val default_arg : doc:string -> ?short:char -> long:string -> placeholder:string -> default:string -> ('a, 'ctx) parameter -> ('a, 'ctx) arg

Create an argument that will contain the ~default value if it is not provided.

val switch : doc:string -> ?short:char -> long:string -> unit -> (bool, 'ctx) arg

Create a boolean switch. The value will be set to true if the switch is provided and false if it is not.

val map_arg : f:('ctx -> 'a -> 'b Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult Lwt.t) -> ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg

Map a function over the result of a parsed argument.

Groups of Optional Arguments

Defines a group of options, either the global options or the command options.

type ('a, 'ctx) options

The type of a series of labeled arguments to a command

val no_options : (unit, 'ctx) options

Include no optional parameters

val args1 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('a, 'ctx) options

Include 1 optional parameter

val args2 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg -> ('a * 'b, 'ctx) options

Include 2 optional parameters

val merge_options : ('a, 'ctx) options -> ('b, 'ctx) options -> ('a * 'b, 'ctx) options

Merge optional parameters

val args3 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg -> ('c, 'ctx) arg -> ('a * 'b * 'c, 'ctx) options

Include 3 optional parameters

val args4 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg -> ('c, 'ctx) arg -> ('d, 'ctx) arg -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd, 'ctx) options

Include 4 optional parameters

val args5 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg -> ('c, 'ctx) arg -> ('d, 'ctx) arg -> ('e, 'ctx) arg -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e, 'ctx) options

Include 5 optional parameters

val args6 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg -> ('c, 'ctx) arg -> ('d, 'ctx) arg -> ('e, 'ctx) arg -> ('f, 'ctx) arg -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f, 'ctx) options

Include 6 optional parameters

val args7 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg -> ('c, 'ctx) arg -> ('d, 'ctx) arg -> ('e, 'ctx) arg -> ('f, 'ctx) arg -> ('g, 'ctx) arg -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g, 'ctx) options

Include 7 optional parameters

val args8 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg -> ('c, 'ctx) arg -> ('d, 'ctx) arg -> ('e, 'ctx) arg -> ('f, 'ctx) arg -> ('g, 'ctx) arg -> ('h, 'ctx) arg -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g * 'h, 'ctx) options

Include 8 optional parameters

val args9 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg -> ('c, 'ctx) arg -> ('d, 'ctx) arg -> ('e, 'ctx) arg -> ('f, 'ctx) arg -> ('g, 'ctx) arg -> ('h, 'ctx) arg -> ('i, 'ctx) arg -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g * 'h * 'i, 'ctx) options

Include 9 optional parameters

val args10 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg -> ('c, 'ctx) arg -> ('d, 'ctx) arg -> ('e, 'ctx) arg -> ('f, 'ctx) arg -> ('g, 'ctx) arg -> ('h, 'ctx) arg -> ('i, 'ctx) arg -> ('j, 'ctx) arg -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g * 'h * 'i * 'j, 'ctx) options

Include 10 optional parameters

val args11 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg -> ('c, 'ctx) arg -> ('d, 'ctx) arg -> ('e, 'ctx) arg -> ('f, 'ctx) arg -> ('g, 'ctx) arg -> ('h, 'ctx) arg -> ('i, 'ctx) arg -> ('j, 'ctx) arg -> ('k, 'ctx) arg -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g * 'h * 'i * 'j * 'k, 'ctx) options

Include 11 optional parameters

val args12 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg -> ('c, 'ctx) arg -> ('d, 'ctx) arg -> ('e, 'ctx) arg -> ('f, 'ctx) arg -> ('g, 'ctx) arg -> ('h, 'ctx) arg -> ('i, 'ctx) arg -> ('j, 'ctx) arg -> ('k, 'ctx) arg -> ('l, 'ctx) arg -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g * 'h * 'i * 'j * 'k * 'l, 'ctx) options

Include 12 optional parameters

val args13 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg -> ('c, 'ctx) arg -> ('d, 'ctx) arg -> ('e, 'ctx) arg -> ('f, 'ctx) arg -> ('g, 'ctx) arg -> ('h, 'ctx) arg -> ('i, 'ctx) arg -> ('j, 'ctx) arg -> ('k, 'ctx) arg -> ('l, 'ctx) arg -> ('m, 'ctx) arg -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g * 'h * 'i * 'j * 'k * 'l * 'm, 'ctx) options

Include 13 optional parameters

val args14 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg -> ('c, 'ctx) arg -> ('d, 'ctx) arg -> ('e, 'ctx) arg -> ('f, 'ctx) arg -> ('g, 'ctx) arg -> ('h, 'ctx) arg -> ('i, 'ctx) arg -> ('j, 'ctx) arg -> ('k, 'ctx) arg -> ('l, 'ctx) arg -> ('m, 'ctx) arg -> ('n, 'ctx) arg -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g * 'h * 'i * 'j * 'k * 'l * 'm * 'n, 'ctx) options

Include 14 optional parameters

val args15 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg -> ('c, 'ctx) arg -> ('d, 'ctx) arg -> ('e, 'ctx) arg -> ('f, 'ctx) arg -> ('g, 'ctx) arg -> ('h, 'ctx) arg -> ('i, 'ctx) arg -> ('j, 'ctx) arg -> ('k, 'ctx) arg -> ('l, 'ctx) arg -> ('m, 'ctx) arg -> ('n, 'ctx) arg -> ('o, 'ctx) arg -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g * 'h * 'i * 'j * 'k * 'l * 'm * 'n * 'o, 'ctx) options

Include 15 optional parameters

val args16 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg -> ('c, 'ctx) arg -> ('d, 'ctx) arg -> ('e, 'ctx) arg -> ('f, 'ctx) arg -> ('g, 'ctx) arg -> ('h, 'ctx) arg -> ('i, 'ctx) arg -> ('j, 'ctx) arg -> ('k, 'ctx) arg -> ('l, 'ctx) arg -> ('m, 'ctx) arg -> ('n, 'ctx) arg -> ('o, 'ctx) arg -> ('p, 'ctx) arg -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g * 'h * 'i * 'j * 'k * 'l * 'm * 'n * 'o * 'p, 'ctx) options

Include 16 optional parameters

val args17 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg -> ('c, 'ctx) arg -> ('d, 'ctx) arg -> ('e, 'ctx) arg -> ('f, 'ctx) arg -> ('g, 'ctx) arg -> ('h, 'ctx) arg -> ('i, 'ctx) arg -> ('j, 'ctx) arg -> ('k, 'ctx) arg -> ('l, 'ctx) arg -> ('m, 'ctx) arg -> ('n, 'ctx) arg -> ('o, 'ctx) arg -> ('p, 'ctx) arg -> ('q, 'ctx) arg -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g * 'h * 'i * 'j * 'k * 'l * 'm * 'n * 'o * 'p * 'q, 'ctx) options

Include 17 optional parameters

val args18 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg -> ('c, 'ctx) arg -> ('d, 'ctx) arg -> ('e, 'ctx) arg -> ('f, 'ctx) arg -> ('g, 'ctx) arg -> ('h, 'ctx) arg -> ('i, 'ctx) arg -> ('j, 'ctx) arg -> ('k, 'ctx) arg -> ('l, 'ctx) arg -> ('m, 'ctx) arg -> ('n, 'ctx) arg -> ('o, 'ctx) arg -> ('p, 'ctx) arg -> ('q, 'ctx) arg -> ('r, 'ctx) arg -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g * 'h * 'i * 'j * 'k * 'l * 'm * 'n * 'o * 'p * 'q * 'r, 'ctx) options

Include 18 optional parameters

val args19 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg -> ('c, 'ctx) arg -> ('d, 'ctx) arg -> ('e, 'ctx) arg -> ('f, 'ctx) arg -> ('g, 'ctx) arg -> ('h, 'ctx) arg -> ('i, 'ctx) arg -> ('j, 'ctx) arg -> ('k, 'ctx) arg -> ('l, 'ctx) arg -> ('m, 'ctx) arg -> ('n, 'ctx) arg -> ('o, 'ctx) arg -> ('p, 'ctx) arg -> ('q, 'ctx) arg -> ('r, 'ctx) arg -> ('s, 'ctx) arg -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g * 'h * 'i * 'j * 'k * 'l * 'm * 'n * 'o * 'p * 'q * 'r * 's, 'ctx) options

Include 19 optional parameters

val args20 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg -> ('c, 'ctx) arg -> ('d, 'ctx) arg -> ('e, 'ctx) arg -> ('f, 'ctx) arg -> ('g, 'ctx) arg -> ('h, 'ctx) arg -> ('i, 'ctx) arg -> ('j, 'ctx) arg -> ('k, 'ctx) arg -> ('l, 'ctx) arg -> ('m, 'ctx) arg -> ('n, 'ctx) arg -> ('o, 'ctx) arg -> ('p, 'ctx) arg -> ('q, 'ctx) arg -> ('r, 'ctx) arg -> ('s, 'ctx) arg -> ('t, 'ctx) arg -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g * 'h * 'i * 'j * 'k * 'l * 'm * 'n * 'o * 'p * 'q * 'r * 's * 't, 'ctx) options

Include 20 optional parameters

val args21 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg -> ('c, 'ctx) arg -> ('d, 'ctx) arg -> ('e, 'ctx) arg -> ('f, 'ctx) arg -> ('g, 'ctx) arg -> ('h, 'ctx) arg -> ('i, 'ctx) arg -> ('j, 'ctx) arg -> ('k, 'ctx) arg -> ('l, 'ctx) arg -> ('m, 'ctx) arg -> ('n, 'ctx) arg -> ('o, 'ctx) arg -> ('p, 'ctx) arg -> ('q, 'ctx) arg -> ('r, 'ctx) arg -> ('s, 'ctx) arg -> ('t, 'ctx) arg -> ('u, 'ctx) arg -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g * 'h * 'i * 'j * 'k * 'l * 'm * 'n * 'o * 'p * 'q * 'r * 's * 't * 'u, 'ctx) options

Include 21 optional parameters

val args22 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg -> ('c, 'ctx) arg -> ('d, 'ctx) arg -> ('e, 'ctx) arg -> ('f, 'ctx) arg -> ('g, 'ctx) arg -> ('h, 'ctx) arg -> ('i, 'ctx) arg -> ('j, 'ctx) arg -> ('k, 'ctx) arg -> ('l, 'ctx) arg -> ('m, 'ctx) arg -> ('n, 'ctx) arg -> ('o, 'ctx) arg -> ('p, 'ctx) arg -> ('q, 'ctx) arg -> ('r, 'ctx) arg -> ('s, 'ctx) arg -> ('t, 'ctx) arg -> ('u, 'ctx) arg -> ('v, 'ctx) arg -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g * 'h * 'i * 'j * 'k * 'l * 'm * 'n * 'o * 'p * 'q * 'r * 's * 't * 'u * 'v, 'ctx) options

Include 22 optional parameters

val args23 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg -> ('c, 'ctx) arg -> ('d, 'ctx) arg -> ('e, 'ctx) arg -> ('f, 'ctx) arg -> ('g, 'ctx) arg -> ('h, 'ctx) arg -> ('i, 'ctx) arg -> ('j, 'ctx) arg -> ('k, 'ctx) arg -> ('l, 'ctx) arg -> ('m, 'ctx) arg -> ('n, 'ctx) arg -> ('o, 'ctx) arg -> ('p, 'ctx) arg -> ('q, 'ctx) arg -> ('r, 'ctx) arg -> ('s, 'ctx) arg -> ('t, 'ctx) arg -> ('u, 'ctx) arg -> ('v, 'ctx) arg -> ('w, 'ctx) arg -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g * 'h * 'i * 'j * 'k * 'l * 'm * 'n * 'o * 'p * 'q * 'r * 's * 't * 'u * 'v * 'w, 'ctx) options

Include 23 optional parameters

val args24 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg -> ('c, 'ctx) arg -> ('d, 'ctx) arg -> ('e, 'ctx) arg -> ('f, 'ctx) arg -> ('g, 'ctx) arg -> ('h, 'ctx) arg -> ('i, 'ctx) arg -> ('j, 'ctx) arg -> ('k, 'ctx) arg -> ('l, 'ctx) arg -> ('m, 'ctx) arg -> ('n, 'ctx) arg -> ('o, 'ctx) arg -> ('p, 'ctx) arg -> ('q, 'ctx) arg -> ('r, 'ctx) arg -> ('s, 'ctx) arg -> ('t, 'ctx) arg -> ('u, 'ctx) arg -> ('v, 'ctx) arg -> ('w, 'ctx) arg -> ('x, 'ctx) arg -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g * 'h * 'i * 'j * 'k * 'l * 'm * 'n * 'o * 'p * 'q * 'r * 's * 't * 'u * 'v * 'w * 'x, 'ctx) options

Include 24 optional parameters

val args25 : ('a, 'ctx) arg -> ('b, 'ctx) arg -> ('c, 'ctx) arg -> ('d, 'ctx) arg -> ('e, 'ctx) arg -> ('f, 'ctx) arg -> ('g, 'ctx) arg -> ('h, 'ctx) arg -> ('i, 'ctx) arg -> ('j, 'ctx) arg -> ('k, 'ctx) arg -> ('l, 'ctx) arg -> ('m, 'ctx) arg -> ('n, 'ctx) arg -> ('o, 'ctx) arg -> ('p, 'ctx) arg -> ('q, 'ctx) arg -> ('r, 'ctx) arg -> ('s, 'ctx) arg -> ('t, 'ctx) arg -> ('u, 'ctx) arg -> ('v, 'ctx) arg -> ('w, 'ctx) arg -> ('x, 'ctx) arg -> ('y, 'ctx) arg -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g * 'h * 'i * 'j * 'k * 'l * 'm * 'n * 'o * 'p * 'q * 'r * 's * 't * 'u * 'v * 'w * 'x * 'y, 'ctx) options

Include 25 optional parameters

val aggregate : ('a, 'ctx) options -> ('a, 'ctx) arg

Aggregate a set of options into a single value.

Parameter based command lines

type ('a, 'ctx) params

Type of parameters for a command

val param : name:string -> desc:string -> ('a, 'ctx) parameter -> ('b, 'ctx) params -> ('a -> 'b, 'ctx) params

A piece of data inside a command line

val prefix : string -> ('a, 'ctx) params -> ('a, 'ctx) params

A word in a command line. Should be descriptive.

val prefixes : string list -> ('a, 'ctx) params -> ('a, 'ctx) params

Multiple words given in sequence for a command line

val fixed : string list -> ('ctx -> unit Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult Lwt.t, 'ctx) params

A fixed series of words that trigger a command.

val stop : ('ctx -> unit Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult Lwt.t, 'ctx) params

End the description of the command line

val seq_of_param : (('ctx -> unit Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult Lwt.t, 'ctx) params -> ('a -> 'ctx -> unit Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult Lwt.t, 'ctx) params) -> ('a list -> 'ctx -> unit Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult Lwt.t, 'ctx) params

Take a sequence of parameters instead of only a single one. Must be the last thing in the command line.

val non_terminal_seq : suffix:string list -> (('ctx -> unit Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult Lwt.t, 'ctx) params -> ('a -> 'ctx -> unit Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult Lwt.t, 'ctx) params) -> ('b -> 'c, 'ctx) params -> ('a list -> 'b -> 'c, 'ctx) params

Take a sequence of parameters followed by suffix keywords and further parameters. On execution, the suffix will be attempted to be matched before the sequence's parameters. Because of this, care must be taken that the sequence's parameters cannot be interpreted as the suffix keywords. For example, it shouldn't be used with parameters that can be arbitrary strings such as aliases.

Raises Invalid_argument when the given suffix is an empty list.

val string : name:string -> desc:string -> ('a, 'ctx) params -> (string -> 'a, 'ctx) params

Parameter that expects a string


type 'ctx command

Command, including a parameter specification, optional arguments, and handlers

type group = {
  1. name : string;
  2. title : string;

Type of a group of commands. Groups have their documentation printed together and should include a descriptive title.

val command : ?group:group -> desc:string -> ('b, 'ctx) options -> ('a, 'ctx) params -> ('b -> 'a) -> 'ctx command

A complete command, with documentation, a specification of its options, parameters, and handler function.

val map_command : ('a -> 'b) -> 'b command -> 'a command

Combinator to use a command in an adapted context.

Output formatting

type formatter_state

Used to restore the formatter state after setup_formatter.

type format =
  1. | Plain
  2. | Ansi
  3. | Html

Supported output formats. Currently: black and white, colors using ANSI escapes, and HTML.

type verbosity =
  1. | Terse
  2. | Short
  3. | Details
  4. | Full

Verbosity level, from terse to verbose.

val setup_formatter : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> format -> verbosity -> formatter_state

Updates the formatter's functions to interpret some semantic tags used in manual production. Returns the previous state of the formatter to restore it afterwards if needed.

Toplevel structure tags:

* <document>: a toplevel group * <title>: a section title (just below a <document) * <list>: a list section (just below a <document)

Structure tags used internally for generating the manual:

* <command>: wraps the full documentation bloc for a command * <commandline>: wraps the command line in a <command> * <commanddoc>: wraps everything but the command line in a <command>

Cosmetic tags for highlighting text:

* <opt>: optional arguments * <arg>: positional arguments * <kwd>: positional keywords * <hilight>: search results

Verbosity levels, in order, and how they are used in the manual:

* <terse>: titles, commands lines * <short>: lists of arguments * <details>: single line descriptions * <full>: with long descriptions

Wrapping a piece of text with a debug level means that the contents are only printed if the verbosity is equal to or above that level. Use prefix = for an exact match, or - for the inverse interpretation.

val restore_formatter : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> formatter_state -> unit

Restore the formatter state after setup_formatter.

Parsing and error reporting

Help error (not really an error), thrown by dispatch and parse_global_options.

Version error (not really an error), thrown by parse_global_options.

val dispatch : 'ctx command list -> 'ctx -> string list -> unit Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult Lwt.t

Find and call the applicable command on the series of arguments.

  • raises Failure

    if the command list would be ambiguous.

val parse_global_options : ('a, 'ctx) options -> 'ctx -> string list -> ('a * string list) Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult Lwt.t

Parse the global options, and return their value, with the rest of the command to be parsed.

val pp_cli_errors : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> executable_name:string -> global_options:(_, _) options -> default: (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.error -> unit) -> Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.error list -> unit

Pretty prints the error messages to the given formatter. executable_name and global_options are for help screens. default is used to print non-CLI errors.

val autocompletion : script:string -> cur_arg:string -> prev_arg:string -> args:string list -> global_options:('a, 'ctx) options -> 'ctx command list -> 'ctx -> string list Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult Lwt.t

Acts as dispatch, but stops if the given command up to prev_arg is a valid prefix command, returning the list of valid next words, filtered with cur_arg.

val usage : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> executable_name:string -> global_options:(_, _) options -> _ command list -> unit

Displays a help page for the given commands.


val add_manual : executable_name:string -> global_options:('a, 'ctx) options -> format -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'ctx command list -> 'ctx command list

Add manual commands to a list of commands. For this to work, the command list must be complete. Commands added later will not appear in the manual.


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