package octez-shell-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Floating blocks index map

Block info stored in the index map

module Block_info : sig ... end

Module Block_info represents the values stored in the index which are used to locate the position of a block in a floating block store and its predecessors.

Key/value index associated to a floating block store where the key is a Block_hash.t and the value is Block_info.t.

include Index.S with type key = Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Block_hash.t and type value = Block_info.t
type t
type value = Block_info.t
type cache
val empty_cache : unit -> cache
val v : ?flush_callback:(unit -> unit) -> ?cache:cache -> ?fresh:bool -> ?readonly:bool -> ?throttle:[ `Block_writes | `Overcommit_memory ] -> ?lru_size:int -> log_size:int -> string -> t
val clear : t -> unit
val find : t -> key -> value
val mem : t -> key -> bool
val replace : ?overcommit:bool -> t -> key -> value -> unit
val filter : t -> ((key * value) -> bool) -> unit
val iter : (key -> value -> unit) -> t -> unit
val flush : ?no_callback:unit -> ?with_fsync:bool -> t -> unit
val close : ?immediately:unit -> t -> unit
val sync : t -> unit
val is_merging : t -> bool
val merge : t -> unit
val try_merge : t -> unit
module Checks : sig ... end
module Legacy : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.