package uuuu

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type encoding = [
  1. | `ISO_8859_1
  2. | `ISO_8859_2
  3. | `ISO_8859_3
  4. | `ISO_8859_4
  5. | `ISO_8859_5
  6. | `ISO_8859_6
  7. | `ISO_8859_7
  8. | `ISO_8859_8
  9. | `ISO_8859_9
  10. | `ISO_8859_10
  11. | `ISO_8859_11
  12. | `ISO_8859_13
  13. | `ISO_8859_14
  14. | `ISO_8859_15
  15. | `ISO_8859_16

The type of ISO-8859.

val encoding_of_string : string -> encoding

encoding_of_string s converts a (case insensitive) IANA character set name to an encoding.

val encoding_to_string : encoding -> string

encoding_to_string e is a IANA character set name for e.

type 'kind decoder constraint 'kind = [< encoding ]

The type for decoders.

type src = [
  1. | `Manual
  2. | `Channel of in_channel
  3. | `String of string

The type for input sources. With a `Manual source the client must provide input with src.

type decode = [
  1. | `Await
  2. | `End
  3. | `Uchar of Uchar.t
  4. | `Malformed of string
val pp_decode : Format.formatter -> [< decode ] -> unit
val src : 'kind decoder -> Bytes.t -> int -> int -> unit

src d s j l provides d with l bytes to read, starting at j in s. This byte range is read by calls to decode with d until `Await is returned. To signal the end of input call the function with l = 0.

val decoder : [< encoding ] as 'kind -> src -> 'kind decoder

decoder encoding src is a decoder that inputs from src.

Encoding. encoding specifies the decoded encoding scheme.

val decode : 'kind decoder -> decode

decode d is:

  • `Await if d has a `Manual input source and awaits for more input. The client must use src to provide it.
  • `Uchar u if a Unicode scalar value u was decoder.
  • `End if the end of input was reached.
  • `Malformed err if d encountered an error err.

Note. Repeated invocation always eventually returns `End, even in case of errors.

val decoder_byte_count : 'kind decoder -> int

decoder_byte_count d is the number of characters already decoder on d (including malformed ones). This is the last decode's and byte offset counting from beginning of the stream.

val decoder_src : 'kind decoder -> src

decoder_src d is d's input source.

val decoder_kind : 'kind decoder -> 'kind

decoder_kind d is d's the decoded encoding scheme of d.

module Char : sig ... end
module String : sig ... end

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