package cudf

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

CUDF type library

Implement core CUDF types (see CUDF spec. §2.2.2).

For parsing and pretty printing of CUDF types see Cudf_types_pp.

CUDF types
type version = int
type relop = [
  1. | `Eq
  2. | `Neq
  3. | `Geq
  4. | `Gt
  5. | `Leq
  6. | `Lt
type constr = (relop * version) option
CUDF spec. types
type pkgname = string
type vpkg = pkgname * constr
type vpkglist = vpkg list
type enum_keep = [
  1. | `Keep_version
  2. | `Keep_package
  3. | `Keep_feature
  4. | `Keep_none
type vpkgformula = vpkg list list

CNF formula. Inner lists are OR-ed, outer AND-ed. E.g.:

  • "Depends: foo, baz | baz" --> [ foo ] ; [ bar ; baz ]
  • "Depends: true!" -->
  • "Depends: false!" --> []
type veqpkg = pkgname * ([ `Eq ] * version) option
type veqpkglist = veqpkg list
type typ = [
  1. | `Int
  2. | `Posint
  3. | `Nat
  4. | `Bool
  5. | `String
  6. | `Enum of string list
  7. | `Pkgname
  8. | `Ident
  9. | `Vpkg
  10. | `Vpkgformula
  11. | `Vpkglist
  12. | `Veqpkg
  13. | `Veqpkglist
  14. | `Typedecl

CUDF types

val keep_type : typ
val keep_enums : string list
type typedecl1 = [
  1. | `Int of int option
  2. | `Posint of int option
  3. | `Nat of int option
  4. | `Bool of bool option
  5. | `String of string option
  6. | `Pkgname of string option
  7. | `Ident of string option
  8. | `Enum of string list * string option

    enums, default enum

  9. | `Vpkg of vpkg option
  10. | `Vpkgformula of vpkgformula option
  11. | `Vpkglist of vpkglist option
  12. | `Veqpkg of veqpkg option
  13. | `Veqpkglist of veqpkglist option
  14. | `Typedecl of typedecl option

(Single) type declaration: each variant denotes a type, its argument the default value, None if missing

and typedecl = (string * typedecl1) list
type typed_value = [
  1. | `Int of int
  2. | `Posint of int
  3. | `Nat of int
  4. | `Bool of bool
  5. | `String of string
  6. | `Pkgname of string
  7. | `Ident of string
  8. | `Enum of string list * string
  9. | `Vpkg of vpkg
  10. | `Vpkgformula of vpkgformula
  11. | `Vpkglist of vpkglist
  12. | `Veqpkg of veqpkg
  13. | `Veqpkglist of veqpkglist
  14. | `Typedecl of typedecl

Typed value in the value space of all CUDF types

Manipulation of typed values
val type_of_typedecl : typedecl1 -> typ

extract the type of a (single) type declaration

val typedecl_of_value : typed_value -> typedecl1

Create a (single) type declaration having as default value the given typed value (i.e. apply the "Some" monad to typed values)

val value_of_typedecl : typedecl1 -> typed_value option

Extract the default value from a type declaration (or return None)

val typedecl_of_type : typ -> typedecl1

Create a (single) type declaration with no default value

val type_of_value : typed_value -> typ
  • returns

    the type of a given value

val cast : typ -> typed_value -> typed_value

cast ty v attempt a runtime cast of a given (typed) value to a different type.

CUDF syntactic types

Types used in parsing, before values are injected into the CUDF type system.

type 'ty stanza = (string * 'ty) list

RFC-822-like stanza, i.e. an associative list mapping property names to property values.

Values are typed according to the type variable 'ty. Usually, libCUDF uses either string stanza (for untyped stanzas) or Cudf_types.typed_value stanza (for typed stanzas).

Various errors
exception Parse_error_822 of string * Stdlib.Lexing.position * Stdlib.Lexing.position

Error while parsing RFC822-like syntax of CUDF documents.

arguments: error message and file range, respectively.

exception Syntax_error of string * Stdlib.Lexing.position * Stdlib.Lexing.position

Syntax error while parsing some literal value

arguments: error message and file range, respectively

exception Type_error of typ * typed_value * Stdlib.Lexing.position * Stdlib.Lexing.position

Type error: mismatch between typed value and expected type

arguments: expected type, found value

Accessors, predicates, etc.
val is_eq_formula : vpkgformula -> bool

Check whether a formula uses only equality tests over package versions.


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