package core_kernel

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

An extensible "universal" variant type.

Every type id (Type_equal.Id.t) corresponds to one branch of the variant type.

type t
include sig ... end
val sexp_of_t : t -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t
val type_id_name : t -> Base.String.t
val type_id_uid : t -> Type_equal.Id.Uid.t
val create : 'a Type_equal.Id.t -> 'a -> t
val does_match : t -> _ Type_equal.Id.t -> Base.Bool.t

does_match t id returns true iff t was created by create id v.

val match_ : t -> 'a Type_equal.Id.t -> 'a Base.Option.t

match_ t id returns Some v if t was created by create id v, and returns None otherwise.

match_exn t id returns v if t was created by create id v, and raises otherwise.

val match_exn : t -> 'a Type_equal.Id.t -> 'a
module View : sig ... end
val view : t -> View.t

view t provides access to the GADT representation of t. This is currently the same as the underlying representation, but is put in the View module to make later changes to the underlying representation easier.


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