package containers

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type attribute = [
  1. | `Color of string
  2. | `Shape of string
  3. | `Weight of int
  4. | `Style of string
  5. | `Label of string
  6. | `Other of string * string

Dot attribute

type vertex_state

Hidden state associated to a vertex

val pp : tbl:('v, vertex_state) table -> eq:('v -> 'v -> bool) -> ?attrs_v:('v -> attribute list) -> ?attrs_e:('e -> attribute list) -> ?name:string -> graph:('v, 'e) t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'v -> unit

Print the graph, starting from given vertex, on the formatter.

  • parameter attrs_v

    attributes for vertices.

  • parameter attrs_e

    attributes for edges.

  • parameter name

    name of the graph.

val pp_all : tbl:('v, vertex_state) table -> eq:('v -> 'v -> bool) -> ?attrs_v:('v -> attribute list) -> ?attrs_e:('e -> attribute list) -> ?name:string -> graph:('v, 'e) t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'v iter -> unit

Same as pp but starting from several vertices, not just one.

  • since 2.8
val pp_seq : tbl:('v, vertex_state) table -> eq:('v -> 'v -> bool) -> ?attrs_v:('v -> attribute list) -> ?attrs_e:('e -> attribute list) -> ?name:string -> graph:('v, 'e) t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'v iter -> unit
  • deprecated use {!pp_all} instead
val with_out : string -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a) -> 'a

Shortcut to open a file and write to it.


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