package core_kernel

  1. Overview
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Support for 256-color handling on terminals/consoles. Note that the functions of_rgb6_exn and of_rgb6 return values within the 6x6x6 color-cube space, even though equivalent duplicates exist in the first 16 and last 24 colors (a "best-fit-equivalent" function could be added some day, if there ever becomes a requirement for it -- see note 2 below).

NOTE 1: the color-cube is not linear in terms of RGB levels, but is "shifted" towards brighter values (as opposed to a logarithmic or other mapping). Visually, the "rgb6" values 0 to 5 (used in of_rgb6_exn and encoded in the 256-color palette values) map into RGB levels as follows:

    Cube-val:  0           1    2    3    4    5
       v       +-----------+----+----+----+----+
      RGB:     0           95   135  175  215  255

The floating-point values used in of_rgb are not weighted in the same way, but are rounded to the nearest cube-value -- a value of 0.5 (50% or 127.5/255) would result in a color-cube value of 2, for example. Any level less than 0.187 (approx.) maps to 0 (black) and greater than 0.921 to 5 (white).

NOTE 2: is is not recommended to use the 256-color palette for representing the 16 (8 * 2) 'primary' colors. The standard `Black, `Blue, etc. attributes are recommended for these.

type t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val hash_fold_t : Ppx_hash_lib.Std.Hash.state -> t -> Ppx_hash_lib.Std.Hash.state
val hash : t -> Ppx_hash_lib.Std.Hash.hash_value
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val to_int : t -> int
val of_int_exn : int -> t
val of_rgb6_exn : (int * int * int) -> t

Takes an RGB triple with values in the range 0,5 (inclusive) and returns the appropriate 256-color palette value. Will throw an exception if any of the inputs are out-of-range. Note that the input values are weighted as described above.

val of_rgb : (float * float * float) -> t

Takes an RGB triple with float values in the closed (inclusive) interval 0,1 and returns the nearest (rounded) 256-color palette value. Out-of-bound values are clamped to the range. The inputs are not weighted, unlike of_rgb6_exn as described above.

val of_rgb_8bit : (int * int * int) -> t

Takes an RGB triple with integer values in the closed (inclusive) range 0,255 and returns the nearest (rounded) 256-color palette color-cube value. Out-of-bound values are clamped to the range. The inputs are not weighted, unlike of_rgb6_exn as described above.

val of_rgb_int1k : (int * int * int) -> t

Takes an RGB triple with integer values in the closed (inclusive) range 0,1000 and returns the nearest (rounded) 256-color palette color-cube value. Out-of-bound values are clamped to the range. The inputs are not weighted, unlike of_rgb6_exn as described above.

val of_gray24_exn : int -> t

Takes a grayscale level from 0-23 (inclusive, not-black-to-not-white) and returns the appropriate 256-color palette value. Will throw an exception if the input value is out-of-range.

val to_rgb : t -> [> `Primary of int | `RGB of float * float * float ]

Takes a color palette value and returns, for color-cube and grayscale palette values, an approximated `RGB triple with each component in the range 0,1; for the first 16 values, `Primary followed by the specific palette index is returned, as these are not consistently defined.

val to_rgb_hex24 : t -> string

Takes a color palette value and returns a hex-encoded RGB 24-bit triplet, with a leading '#'. I.e. "#000000" through "#ffffff". The values returned for the first 16 (primary) colors follow the Windows Console scheme, as documented here: .

val to_luma : t -> float

Takes a color palette value and returns an approximate luminance value in the closed interval 0,1.

val to_rgb_8bit : t -> int * int * int

Takes a color palette value and returns a triple of RGB integers in the closed interval 0,255.

val to_rgb_int1k : t -> int * int * int

Takes a color palette value and returns a triple of RGB integers in the closed interval 0,1000.

val to_rgb6 : t -> int * int * int

Takes a color palette value and returns a triple of RGB integers in the closed interval 0,5. For color-cube palette values, this simply un-does of_rgb6_exn. For others, it will return the closest matching value in the color-cube.


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