package bos

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Low level Unix access.

These functions simply call functions from the Unix module and replace strings with Fpath.t where appropriate. They also provide more fine grained error handling, for example OS.Path.stat converts the error to a message while stat gives you the Unix error.

Error handling

type 'a result = ('a, [ `Unix of Unix.error ]) Result.result

The type for Unix results.

val pp_error : Format.formatter -> [ `Unix of Unix.error ] -> unit

pp_error ppf e prints e on ppf.

val open_error : 'a result -> ('a, [> `Unix of Unix.error ]) Result.result

open_error r allows to combine a closed unix error variant with other variants.

val error_to_msg : 'a result -> ('a, [> Rresult.R.msg ]) Result.result

error_to_msg r converts unix errors in r to an error message.

Wrapping Unix calls

val call : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b result

call f v is Ok (f v) but Unix.EINTR errors are catched and handled by retrying the call. Other errors e are catched aswell and returned as Error (`Unix e).

File system operations

val mkdir : Fpath.t -> Unix.file_perm -> unit result

mkdir is Unix.mkdir, see POSIX mkdir.

link is, see POSIX link.

stat is Unix.unlink, POSIX unlink.

val rename : Fpath.t -> Fpath.t -> unit result

rename is Unix.rename, see POSIX rename.

val stat : Fpath.t -> Unix.stats result

stat is Unix.stat, see POSIX stat.

val lstat : Fpath.t -> Unix.stats result

lstat is Unix.lstat, see POSIX lstat.

val truncate : Fpath.t -> int -> unit result

truncate is Unix.truncate, see POSIX truncate.


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