package core

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
include sig ... end
type 'a param = 'a Command.Param.t
  • deprecated [since 2019-03] use [Command.Param.t] instead
val return : 'a -> 'a Command.Param.t
val map : 'a Command.Param.t -> f:('a -> 'b) -> 'b Command.Param.t
val both : 'a Command.Param.t -> 'b Command.Param.t -> ('a * 'b) Command.Param.t
val (<*>) : ('a -> 'b) Command.Param.t -> 'a Command.Param.t -> 'b Command.Param.t
val (<*) : 'a Command.Param.t -> unit Command.Param.t -> 'a Command.Param.t
val (*>) : unit Command.Param.t -> 'a Command.Param.t -> 'a Command.Param.t
val (>>|) : 'a Command.Param.t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b Command.Param.t
val apply : ('a -> 'b) Command.Param.t -> 'a Command.Param.t -> 'b Command.Param.t
val map2 : 'a Command.Param.t -> 'b Command.Param.t -> f:('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'c Command.Param.t
val map3 : 'a Command.Param.t -> 'b Command.Param.t -> 'c Command.Param.t -> f:('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> 'd Command.Param.t
val all : 'a Command.Param.t list -> 'a list Command.Param.t
val all_unit : unit Command.Param.t list -> unit Command.Param.t
module Applicative_infix : sig ... end
val flag : ?aliases:Base.string Base.list -> ?full_flag_required:Base.unit -> Base.string -> 'a Command.Flag.t -> doc:Base.string -> 'a Command.Param.t
val flag_optional_with_default_doc : ?aliases:Base.string Base.list -> ?full_flag_required:Base.unit -> Base.string -> 'a Command.Arg_type.t -> ('a -> Base.Sexp.t) -> default:'a -> doc:Base.string -> 'a Command.Param.t
val anon : 'a Command.Anons.t -> 'a Command.Param.t
val escape_anon : final_anon:'a Command.Anons.t -> ('a * Base.string Base.list) Command.Param.t
module If_nothing_chosen : sig ... end
val choose_one : 'a Base.option Command.Param.t Base.list -> if_nothing_chosen:('a, 'b) If_nothing_chosen.t -> 'b Command.Param.t
val choose_one_non_optional : 'a Command.Param.t Base.list -> if_nothing_chosen:('a, 'b) If_nothing_chosen.t -> 'b Command.Param.t
val and_arg_names : 'a Command.Param.t -> ('a * Base.string Base.list) Command.Param.t
val and_arg_name : 'a Command.Param.t -> ('a * Base.string) Command.Param.t
val arg_names : 'a Command.Param.t -> Base.string Base.list
val const : 'a -> 'a Command.Param.t
  • deprecated [since 2018-10] use [Command.Param.return] instead of [Command.Spec.const]
val pair : 'a Command.Param.t -> 'b Command.Param.t -> ('a * 'b) Command.Param.t
  • deprecated [since 2018-10] use [Command.Param.both] instead of [Command.Spec.pair]
type ('main_in, 'main_out) t = ('main_in, 'main_out) Command.Spec.t
val empty : ('m, 'm) t
val (++) : ('m1, 'm2) t -> ('m2, 'm3) t -> ('m1, 'm3) t
val (+>) : ('m1, 'a -> 'm2) t -> 'a Command.Param.t -> ('m1, 'm2) t
val (+<) : ('m1, 'm2) t -> 'a Command.Param.t -> ('a -> 'm1, 'm2) t
val step : ('m1 -> 'm2) -> ('m1, 'm2) t
val wrap : (run:('m1 -> 'r1) -> main:'m2 -> 'r2) -> ('m1, 'r1) t -> ('m2, 'r2) t
type 'a flag = 'a Command.Flag.t
val required : 'a Command.Arg_type.t -> 'a flag
val optional : 'a Command.Arg_type.t -> 'a Base.option flag
val optional_with_default : 'a -> 'a Command.Arg_type.t -> 'a flag
val listed : 'a Command.Arg_type.t -> 'a Base.list flag
val one_or_more_as_pair : 'a Command.Arg_type.t -> ('a * 'a Base.list) flag
val one_or_more_as_list : 'a Command.Arg_type.t -> 'a Base.list flag
val no_arg : Base.bool flag
val no_arg_register : key:'a Univ_map.With_default.Key.t -> value:'a -> Base.bool flag
val no_arg_some : 'a -> 'a Base.option flag
val no_arg_required : 'a -> 'a flag
val no_arg_abort : exit:(Base.unit -> Base.Nothing.t) -> Base.unit flag
val escape_with_autocomplete : complete:Command.Auto_complete.For_escape.t -> Base.string Base.list Base.option flag
val map_flag : 'a flag -> f:('a -> 'b) -> 'b flag
val flags_of_args_exn : (Arg.key * Arg.spec * Arg.doc) Base.list -> ('a, 'a) t
  • deprecated [since 2018-10] switch to Command.Param
type 'a anons = 'a Command.Anons.t
val (%:) : Base.string -> 'a Command.Arg_type.t -> 'a anons
val sequence : 'a anons -> 'a Base.list anons
val non_empty_sequence_as_pair : 'a anons -> ('a * 'a Base.list) anons
val non_empty_sequence_as_list : 'a anons -> 'a Base.list anons
val maybe : 'a anons -> 'a Base.option anons
val maybe_with_default : 'a -> 'a anons -> 'a anons
val t2 : 'a anons -> 'b anons -> ('a * 'b) anons
val t3 : 'a anons -> 'b anons -> 'c anons -> ('a * 'b * 'c) anons
val t4 : 'a anons -> 'b anons -> 'c anons -> 'd anons -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) anons
val map_anons : 'a anons -> f:('a -> 'b) -> 'b anons
val to_param : ('a, 'r) t -> 'a -> 'r Command.Param.t
val of_param : 'r Command.Param.t -> ('r -> 'm, 'm) t
module Arg_type = Arg_type
include module type of struct include Arg_type.Export end

Values to include in other namespaces.

Values to include in other namespaces.

Beware that an anonymous argument of type int cannot be specified as negative, as it is ambiguous whether -1 is a negative number or a flag. (The same applies to float, time_span, etc.) You can use the special built-in "-anon" flag to force a string starting with a hyphen to be interpreted as an anonymous argument rather than as a flag, or you can just make it a parameter to a flag to avoid the issue.

val sexp_conv : ?complete:Command.Auto_complete.t -> (Base.Sexp.t -> 'a) -> 'a Command.Spec.Arg_type.t

Innovation. Community. Security.