package checkseum

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Implementation of the CRC32C checksum.

type t = Optint.t

Representation of the checksum value.

val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-printer of t.

val equal : t -> t -> bool

The equal function of t.

val default : t

Default value of t.

val digest_bytes : Bytes.t -> int -> int -> t -> t

digest_bytes msg off len t is the digest of msg at off on len byte(s).

val unsafe_digest_bytes : Bytes.t -> int -> int -> t -> t

unsafe_digest_bytes msg off len t is the same as digest_bytes without bound-checking.

val digest_string : String.t -> int -> int -> t -> t

Same as digest_bytes but for String.t.

val unsafe_digest_string : String.t -> int -> int -> t -> t

unsafe_digest_string msg off len t is the same as digest_string without bound-checking.

val digest_bigstring : bigstring -> int -> int -> t -> t

Same as digest_bytes but for bigstring.

val unsafe_digest_bigstring : bigstring -> int -> int -> t -> t

unsafe_digest_bigstring msg off len t is the same as digest_bigstring without bound-checking.

val to_int32 : t -> int32

to_int32 crc casts crc to an unsigned int32 value. We precise unsigned because every bits are significant for the checksum (even the sign bit). We interpret the given int32 as a value where the sign bit does not have any signification (hence the unsigned).

val of_int32 : int32 -> t

of_int32 crc casts the given unsigned int32 value to t. For a checksum, every bits (including the sign bit) has a signification. The user must interpret the given int32 as an unsigned int32 (eg. regardless the sign bit which has another signification for the checksum).


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