package httpaf

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


A block of memory allocated on the C heap. Bigstring payloads won't get relocated by the OCaml GC, making it safe to use in blocking system calls without holding the OCaml runtime lock.

type t = (char, Stdlib.Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Stdlib.Bigarray.c_layout) Stdlib.Bigarray.Array1.t

For compatiblity with other libraries, Bigstring.t is not abstract.

val create : int -> t

create len allocates a bigstring of length len.

val of_string : ?off:int -> ?len:int -> string -> t

of_string ?off ?len str allocates a bigstring and copies the contents of str into it. if off or len are provided, t will only have length len and only the specified range of the string will be copied into it.

val length : t -> int

length t returns the length of the bigstring.

val get : t -> int -> char
val unsafe_get : t -> int -> char

get t n returns the nth byte of t as a char. unsafe_get t n does the same but will not perform bounds checking.

val set : t -> int -> char -> unit
val unsafe_set : t -> int -> char -> unit

set t n returns the nth byte of t as a char. unsafe_set t n does the same but will not perform bounds checking.

val sub : off:int -> ?len:int -> t -> t

sub ~off ?len t returns a sub-view into the bigstring t, specified by off and len. This is a non-copying operation: t and the returned sub-view will share underlying bytes. Modifying one will modify the other.

val blit : t -> int -> t -> int -> int -> unit
val blit_from_string : string -> int -> t -> int -> int -> unit
val blit_from_bytes : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> int -> t -> int -> int -> unit
val to_string : ?off:int -> ?len:int -> t -> string

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