package ocplib-json-typed

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

JSON structure description using dependently typed combinators.

Dependent types describing JSON document structures

type 'a encoding

An encoding between an OCaml data type (the parameter) and a JSON representation. To be built using the predefined combinators provided by this module.

For instance, here is an encoding, of type (int * string) encoding, mapping values of type int * string to JSON objects with a field code of whose value is a number and a field message whose value is a string.

let enc = obj2 (req "code" int) (req "message" string)

This encoding serves three purposes:

1. Output an OCaml value of type 'a to an intermediate JSON representation using construct. To be printed to actual JSON using an external library. 2. Input a JSON intermediate structure (already parsed with an external library) to produce an OCaml value of type 'a. 3. Describe this encoding in JSON-schema format for inter-operability: you describe the encoding of your internal types, and obtain machine-readable descriptions of the formats as a byproduct. Specific documentation combinators are provided for that purpose.

By default, this library provides functions that work on the Json_repr.ezjsonm data type, compatible with Ezjsonm.value. However, encodings are not tied with this representation. See functor Make and module Json_repr for using another format.

Constructors and destructors for Json_repr.ezjsonm

val construct : 't encoding -> 't -> Json_repr.ezjsonm

Builds a json value from an OCaml value and an encoding.

This function works with JSON data represented in the Json_repr.ezjsonm format. See functor Make for using another representation.

val destruct : 't encoding -> Json_repr.ezjsonm -> 't

Reads an OCaml value from a JSON value and an encoding. May raise Cannot_destruct.

This function works with JSON data represented in the Json_repr.ezjsonm format. See functor Make for using another representation.

JSON type combinators for simple immediates

val unit : unit encoding

An encoding of an OCaml unit by any (ignored) JSON.

val null : unit encoding

An encoding of an OCaml unit by a JSON null.

val empty : unit encoding

An encoding of an OCaml unit by an empty JSON object.

val int : int encoding

An encoding of an OCaml int by a JSON number.

When destructing, the JSON number cannot have a fractional part, and must be between -2^30 and 2^30-1 (these bounds are chosen to be compatible with both 32-bit and 64bit native OCaml compilers as well as JavaScript). When constructing, the value coming from the OCaml world is assumed to be valid, otherwise an Invalid_argument will be raised.

Use ranged_int or int32 for better portability.

val ranged_int : minimum:int -> maximum:int -> string -> int encoding

An encoding of an OCaml int by a JSON number.

The inclusive bounds are checked when destructing. When constructing, the value coming from the OCaml world is assumed to be valid, otherwise an Invalid_argument will be raised. The string parameter is a name used to tweak the error messages.

val int32 : int32 encoding

An encoding of an OCaml int32 by a JSON number.

val bool : bool encoding

An encoding of an OCaml boolean by a JSON one.

val string : string encoding

An encoding of an OCaml string by a JSON one.

val string_enum : (string * 'a) list -> 'a encoding

An encoding of a closed set of OCaml values by JSON strings.

val constant : string -> unit encoding

An encoding of a constant string.

val bytes : bytes encoding

An encoding of an OCaml mutable string by a JSON string.

val float : float encoding

An encoding of an OCaml float by a JSON number.

val ranged_float : minimum:float -> maximum:float -> string -> float encoding

An encoding of an OCaml float by a JSON number with range constraints

val option : 'a encoding -> 'a option encoding

An encoding of an OCaml option by a nullable JSON value.

JSON type combinators for objects

type 'a field

A first class handle to a JSON field.

val req : ?title:string -> ?description:string -> string -> 't encoding -> 't field

A required field of a given its type.

val opt : ?title:string -> ?description:string -> string -> 't encoding -> 't option field

An optional field of a given type, using an OCaml option.

val dft : ?title:string -> ?description:string -> string -> 't encoding -> 't -> 't field

An optional field of a given type, ommited when equal to a default value.

val obj1 : 'f1 field -> 'f1 encoding

An encoding of an OCaml value by a singleton object.

val obj2 : 'f1 field -> 'f2 field -> ('f1 * 'f2) encoding

An encoding of an OCaml pair by a JSON object with two fields.

val obj3 : 'f1 field -> 'f2 field -> 'f3 field -> ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3) encoding

An encoding of an OCaml triple by a JSON object with three fields.

val obj4 : 'f1 field -> 'f2 field -> 'f3 field -> 'f4 field -> ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4) encoding

An encoding of an OCaml quadruple by a JSON object with four fields.

val obj5 : 'f1 field -> 'f2 field -> 'f3 field -> 'f4 field -> 'f5 field -> ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5) encoding

An encoding of an OCaml quintuple by a JSON object with five fields.

val obj6 : 'f1 field -> 'f2 field -> 'f3 field -> 'f4 field -> 'f5 field -> 'f6 field -> ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6) encoding

An encoding of an OCaml sextuple by a JSON object with six fields.

val obj7 : 'f1 field -> 'f2 field -> 'f3 field -> 'f4 field -> 'f5 field -> 'f6 field -> 'f7 field -> ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7) encoding

An encoding of an OCaml septuple by a JSON object with seven fields.

val obj8 : 'f1 field -> 'f2 field -> 'f3 field -> 'f4 field -> 'f5 field -> 'f6 field -> 'f7 field -> 'f8 field -> ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7 * 'f8) encoding

An encoding of an OCaml octuple by a JSON object with eight fields.

val obj9 : 'f1 field -> 'f2 field -> 'f3 field -> 'f4 field -> 'f5 field -> 'f6 field -> 'f7 field -> 'f8 field -> 'f9 field -> ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7 * 'f8 * 'f9) encoding

An encoding of an OCaml nonuple by a JSON object with nine fields.

val obj10 : 'f1 field -> 'f2 field -> 'f3 field -> 'f4 field -> 'f5 field -> 'f6 field -> 'f7 field -> 'f8 field -> 'f9 field -> 'f10 field -> ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7 * 'f8 * 'f9 * 'f10) encoding

An encoding of an OCaml decuple by a JSON object with ten fields.

val merge_objs : 'o1 encoding -> 'o2 encoding -> ('o1 * 'o2) encoding

Merge two object encodings. For describing heavyweight objects with a lot of fields. The ocaml type is a pair of tuples, but the JSON object is flat. Both arguments must be object encodings, otherwise a future construct, destruct or schema will fail with Invalid_argument.

JSON type combinators for arrays

val array : 'a encoding -> 'a array encoding

An encoding of an OCaml array by a JSON one.

val list : 'a encoding -> 'a list encoding

An encoding of an OCaml list by a JSON one.

val assoc : 'a encoding -> (string * 'a) list encoding

An encoding of an OCaml associative list by a JSON object.

val tup1 : 'f1 encoding -> 'f1 encoding

An encoding of an OCaml value by a singleton array.

val tup2 : 'f1 encoding -> 'f2 encoding -> ('f1 * 'f2) encoding

An encoding of an OCaml pair by a JSON array with two cells.

val tup3 : 'f1 encoding -> 'f2 encoding -> 'f3 encoding -> ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3) encoding

An encoding of an OCaml triple by a JSON array with three cells.

val tup4 : 'f1 encoding -> 'f2 encoding -> 'f3 encoding -> 'f4 encoding -> ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4) encoding

An encoding of an OCaml quadruple by a JSON array with four cells.

val tup5 : 'f1 encoding -> 'f2 encoding -> 'f3 encoding -> 'f4 encoding -> 'f5 encoding -> ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5) encoding

An encoding of an OCaml quintuple by a JSON array with five cells.

val tup6 : 'f1 encoding -> 'f2 encoding -> 'f3 encoding -> 'f4 encoding -> 'f5 encoding -> 'f6 encoding -> ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6) encoding

An encoding of an OCaml sextuple by a JSON array with six cells.

val tup7 : 'f1 encoding -> 'f2 encoding -> 'f3 encoding -> 'f4 encoding -> 'f5 encoding -> 'f6 encoding -> 'f7 encoding -> ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7) encoding

An encoding of an OCaml septuple by a JSON array with seven cells.

val tup8 : 'f1 encoding -> 'f2 encoding -> 'f3 encoding -> 'f4 encoding -> 'f5 encoding -> 'f6 encoding -> 'f7 encoding -> 'f8 encoding -> ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7 * 'f8) encoding

An encoding of an OCaml octuple by a JSON array with eight cells.

val tup9 : 'f1 encoding -> 'f2 encoding -> 'f3 encoding -> 'f4 encoding -> 'f5 encoding -> 'f6 encoding -> 'f7 encoding -> 'f8 encoding -> 'f9 encoding -> ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7 * 'f8 * 'f9) encoding

An encoding of an OCaml nonuple by a JSON array with nine cells.

val tup10 : 'f1 encoding -> 'f2 encoding -> 'f3 encoding -> 'f4 encoding -> 'f5 encoding -> 'f6 encoding -> 'f7 encoding -> 'f8 encoding -> 'f9 encoding -> 'f10 encoding -> ('f1 * 'f2 * 'f3 * 'f4 * 'f5 * 'f6 * 'f7 * 'f8 * 'f9 * 'f10) encoding

An encoding of an OCaml decuple by a JSON array with ten cells.

val merge_tups : 'a1 encoding -> 'a2 encoding -> ('a1 * 'a2) encoding

Merge two tuple encodings. For describing heavyweight arrays with a lot of cells. The ocaml type is a pair of tuples, but the JSON array is flat, with the elements of the first tuple before the ones of the second. Both arguments must be tuple encodings, otherwise a future construct, destruct or schema will fail with Invalid_argument.

JSON type combinators for unions

type 't case

A case for describing union types using union ans case.

val case : 'a encoding -> ('t -> 'a option) -> ('a -> 't) -> 't case

To be used inside a union. Takes a encoding for a specific case, and a converter to and from a type common to all cases ('t). Usually, it consists in boxing / deboxing the specific data in an OCaml sum type contructor.

val union : 't case list -> 't encoding

A utility to build destructors for custom encoded sum types.

JSON generic type combinators

val custom : ('t -> Json_repr.ezjsonm) -> (Json_repr.ezjsonm -> 't) -> schema:Json_schema.schema -> 't encoding

A simple custom encoding using the Json_repr.ezjsonm intermediate representation for the conversion functions. The resulting encoding is usable with any other instanciation of functor Make, internal conversions may be performed needed. The second transformer function can raise (Cannot_destruct ([ (* location *)], exn)) to indicate an error, which will be relocated correctly.

val conv : ('a -> 'b) -> ('b -> 'a) -> ?schema:Json_schema.schema -> 'b encoding -> 'a encoding

An encoding adapter, with an optional handwritten schema. The second transformer function can raise (Cannot_destruct ([], exn)) to indicate an error, which will be relocated correctly.

val mu : string -> ('a encoding -> 'a encoding) -> 'a encoding

A fixpoint combinator. Links a recursive OCaml type to an internal JSON schema reference, by allowing to use the encoding inside its own definition. The first parameter is a path, that must be unique and respect the format of Json_schema.add_definition. It is used to encode the recursivity as a named reference in the JSON schema.

Here is an example to turn a standard OCaml list into either "nil" for [] or {"hd":hd,"tl":tl} for hd::tl.

let reclist itemencoding =
  mu "list" @@ fun self ->
    [ case (string_enum [ "nil", () ])
        (function [] -> Some () | _ :: _ -> None)
        (fun () -> []) ;
      case (obj2 (req "hd" itemencoding) (req "tl" self))
        (function hd :: tl -> Some (hd, tl) | [] -> None)
        (fun (hd, tl) -> hd :: tl) ]) 
val any_ezjson_value : Json_repr.ezjsonm encoding

A raw JSON value in ezjsonm representation.

val any_schema : Json_schema.schema encoding

The encoding of a JSON schema, linked to its OCaml definiton.

Exporting encodings as JSON schemas

val schema : 't encoding -> Json_schema.schema

Describe an encoding in JSON schema format. May raise Bad_schema.

val describe : ?title:string -> ?description:string -> 't encoding -> 't encoding

Annotate a type with a title and description for the JSON schema.

val def : string -> 't encoding -> 't encoding

Name a definition so its occurences can be shared in the JSON schema. The first parameter is a path, that must be unique and respect the format of Json_schema.add_definition.


exception Cannot_destruct of Json_query.path * exn

Exception raised by destructors, with the location in the original JSON structure and the specific error.

exception Unexpected of string * string

Unexpected kind of data encountered (w/ the expectation).

exception No_case_matched of exn list

Some union couldn't be destructed, w/ the reasons for each case.

exception Bad_array_size of int * int

Array of unexpected size encountered (w/ the expectation).

exception Missing_field of string

Missing field in an object.

exception Unexpected_field of string

Supernumerary field in an object.

exception Bad_schema of exn

Bad custom schema encountered.

val print_error : ?print_unknown:(Stdlib.Format.formatter -> exn -> unit) -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> exn -> unit

Produces a human readable version of an error.

Advanced interface for using a custom JSON representation

module Make (Repr : Json_repr.Repr) : sig ... end
type 't repr_agnostic_custom = {
  1. write : 'rt. (module Json_repr.Repr with type value = 'rt) -> 't -> 'rt;
  2. read : 'rf. (module Json_repr.Repr with type value = 'rf) -> 'rf -> 't;

Custom encoders for an OCaml type, given both custom conversion functions. The actual representation is not known in advance, so the conversion functions have to examine / construct the JSON value through the first class modules they are passed. The read transformer function can raise (Cannot_destruct ([], "message")) to indicate an error, which will be relocated correctly.

Here is an example of how to build such a value for a type 't.

let read
  : type tf. (module Json_repr.Repr with type value = tf) -> tf -> 't
  = fun (module Repr_f) repr ->
    match Repr_f.view repr with
    | `Null (* destruct the JSON using [Repr_f.view] *) ->
      (* create a value of type 't *)
    | _ ->
      (* or fail with this wrapping exception *)
      raise (Cannot_destruct ([ (* location *) ], (* exn *))) in
let write
  : type tf. (module Json_repr.Repr with type value = tf) -> 't -> tf
  = fun (module Repr_f) v ->
    (* examine the value and produce a JSON using [Repr_f.repr] *)
    Repr_f.repr `Null in
{ read ; write } 
val repr_agnostic_custom : 't repr_agnostic_custom -> schema:Json_schema.schema -> 't encoding

A custom encoding, using custom encoders and a schema.

val any_value : Json_repr.any encoding

A raw JSON value in its original representation.


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