package yojson

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Yojson is an optimized parsing and printing library for the JSON format


Dune Dependency






Yojson is an optimized parsing and printing library for the JSON format.

ydump is a pretty-printing command-line program provided with the yojson package.

Published: 07 Jul 2022


Yojson: JSON library for OCaml

This library parses JSON data into a nested OCaml tree data structure.

Library documentation

Currently at


A simple example on how to parse JSON from a string literal.

let json_string = {|
  {"number" : 42,
   "string" : "yes",
   "list": ["for", "sure", 42]}|}
(* val json_string : string *)

let json = Yojson.Safe.from_string json_string
(* val json : Yojson.Safe.t *)

Format.printf "Parsed to %a" Yojson.Safe.pp json

Related tooling

Yojson is a pretty common choice for parsing JSON in OCaml, as such it is the base for a number of tools and libraries that are built on top of it.

  • ppx_deriving_yojson to automatically generate code that converts between Yojson.Safe.t and custom OCaml types

  • ppx_yojson_conv, an alternative to ppx_deriving_yojson from Jane Street with different design decisions

  • atd, generates mapping code from .atd specification files and can be used in multiple languages

  • jsonm is an alternate JSON parser that parses JSON into a stream of items, so the complete data structure does not have to be in memory.

Help wanted

Yojson is developed and maintained by volunteers — users like you. Various issues are in need of attention. If you'd like to contribute, please leave a comment on the issue you're interested in, or create a new issue. Experienced contributors will guide you as needed.

There are many simple ways of making a positive impact. For example, you can...

  • Use the software in your project.

  • Give a demo to your colleagues.

  • Share the passion on your blog.

  • Tweet about what you're doing with Yojson.

  • Report difficulties by creating new issues. We'll triage them.

  • Ask questions on StackOverflow.

  • Answer questions on StackOverflow.

  • Discuss usage on the OCaml forums.

  • Pick a task that's easy for you.

Check out in particular good first time issues and other issues with which we could use some help.


Yojson is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license, see for details.

Dependencies (4)

  1. seq >= "0.2.2"
  2. cppo build
  3. dune >= "2.0"
  4. ocaml >= "4.02.3"

Dev Dependencies (2)

  1. odoc with-doc
  2. alcotest with-test & >= "0.8.5"

  1. 0install >= "2.18"
  2. acgtk >= "1.3.2"
  3. archetype
  4. atd >= "2.6.0"
  5. atdgen < "1.9.0" | >= "1.13.0" & < "2.8.0" | >= "2.10.0"
  6. avro-compiler
  7. aws < "1.0.0"
  8. aws-config
  9. aws-s3 >= "1.1.0" & < "4.5.1" | >= "4.8.0"
  10. awsm-codegen
  11. bap-radare2
  12. bitcoin >= "3.0"
  13. boulangerie
  14. caisar
  15. calculon != "0.5"
  16. calculon-redis-lib
  17. camelot >= "1.3.0"
  18. camels
  19. canary
  20. catala = "0.9.0"
  21. cb-check
  22. cbor != "0.2"
  23. cconv-ppx
  24. colibrics
  25. comby-semantic
  26. commons
  27. containers >= "3.9"
  28. coq-lsp
  29. coq-of-ocaml
  30. coq-serapi >= "8.10.0+0.7.0"
  31. current_docker
  32. current_examples >= "0.4"
  33. current_git
  34. current_github
  35. current_gitlab
  36. current_slack
  37. current_ssh
  38. current_web >= "0.4"
  39. cwe_checker
  40. dap
  41. datakit-ci >= "0.12.3"
  42. daypack-lib
  43. decoders-yojson >= "0.7.0"
  44. deriving-yojson
  45. devkit >= "0.4"
  46. docker-api >= "0.2.2"
  47. docker_hub
  48. dot-merlin-reader != "4.4~5.0.preview" & < "4.6"
  49. dream
  50. dune-release >= "1.4.0"
  51. earlybird < "1.0.0"
  52. facebook-sdk < "0.3.1"
  53. fiat-p256
  54. frama-c >= "19.0"
  55. fred
  56. frenetic >= "3.2.0"
  57. fstar >= ""
  58. gapi-ocaml < "0.3.5" | >= "0.4.3"
  59. gdbprofiler >= "0.2"
  60. gemini < "0.3.0"
  61. gen-bs >= "0.1.0"
  62. github != "4.0.0"
  63. github-data
  64. gitlab
  65. goblint >= "2.0.0"
  66. goblint-cil >= "1.8.0"
  67. gopcaml-mode-merlin < "0.0.6"
  68. graphql < "0.9.0" | >= "0.14.0"
  69. graphql-async >= "0.14.0"
  70. graphql-cohttp >= "0.13.0"
  71. graphql-lwt >= "0.14.0"
  72. graphql_ppx
  73. gremlin
  74. h2
  75. hacl_x25519
  76. hilite < "0.3.0"
  77. hl_yaml
  78. hockmd
  79. horned_worm
  80. hpack
  81. hsluv
  82. httph
  83. index-bench
  84. iocaml
  85. iocaml-kernel
  86. ip2location
  87. ip2locationio
  88. irmin-bench < "3.0.0"
  89. irmin-graphql >= "2.2.0"
  90. irmin-tezos
  91. jasmin
  92. jhupllib
  93. jose
  94. js_of_ocaml-compiler
  95. json-pointer
  96. json-predicate
  97. jsonrpc < "1.6.0"
  98. jsonschema2atd
  99. jupyter
  100. jupyter-kernel
  101. jwto
  102. kappa-library
  103. karamel
  104. ketrew
  105. kind2
  106. kremlin < "transition"
  107. kubecaml
  108. lablgtk3-extras >= "3.0.1"
  109. lablqt
  110. lambdapi >= "2.0.0"
  111. learn-ocaml
  112. letsencrypt
  113. letters
  114. libsail
  115. linol >= "0.2"
  116. linol-eio
  117. linol-lwt
  118. lsp
  119. merlin = "3.0.3" | = "3.8.0" | >= "4.6-412"
  120. merlin-acme
  121. metadb
  122. mezzo
  123. minimal >= "1.1.0"
  124. mirage-crypto-ec
  125. mjson
  126. monorobot
  127. morbig >= "0.11.0"
  128. netml
  129. nloge
  130. nsq >= "0.2.4"
  131. obuilder
  132. ocaml-gist
  133. ocaml-lsp-server
  134. ocaml-protoc-plugin >= "6.1.0"
  135. ocaml-webworker
  136. ocaml_db_model
  137. ocaml_pgsql_model
  138. ocf
  139. oclaunch < "0.2.1"
  140. ocsigen-start
  141. odoc >= "2.0.0" & < "2.1.1" | >= "2.3.0"
  142. oframl
  143. ogen = "0.1.2"
  144. oidc
  145. ojs-base != "0.2.0"
  146. ojs_base
  147. ometrics < "0.2.0"
  148. opam2web >= "2.0"
  149. openai-gym
  150. openapi
  151. openapi_router
  152. openstellina
  153. opium >= "0.19.0"
  154. oraft
  155. orun
  156. osh
  157. ozulip
  158. pa_ppx
  159. pandoc
  160. pbrt_yojson
  161. pds-reachability >= "0.2.3"
  162. petr4
  163. phylogenetics >= "0.2.0"
  164. pkcs11-driver >= "1.0.0"
  165. plist >= "1.0.0"
  166. podge >= "0.4"
  167. ppx_deriving_protocol < "0.8.1"
  168. ppx_deriving_yojson >= "3.4"
  169. ppx_graphql
  170. ppx_json_types
  171. ppx_protocol_conv = "2.0.0"
  172. ppx_protocol_conv_json = "3.1.3" | >= "5.2.1"
  173. ppx_yojson
  174. ppx_yojson_conv < "v0.13.0"
  175. ppx_yojson_conv_lib
  176. prof_spacetime
  177. qmp >= "0.19.0"
  178. quests
  179. r2pipe
  180. radare2
  181. rdf >= "0.9.0" & < "1.0.0"
  182. records = "0.6.0" | >= "1.0.0"
  183. repr-bench
  184. rpc = "2.2.0"
  185. rpclib >= "6.0.0"
  186. rubytt
  187. rungen
  188. SZXX
  189. safemoney
  190. sail < "0.15"
  191. satyrographos != ""
  192. semver2
  193. sihl < "0.2.0" | >= "0.3.0~rc2"
  194. sihl-core
  195. slack
  196. slacko < "0.14.1"
  197. slug
  198. sparrow
  199. sphinxcontrib-ocaml
  200. spotify-web-api
  201. swagger
  202. tdigest < "2.1.0"
  203. telegraml < "2.2.0"
  204. testrunner
  205. textmate-language >= "0.3.4"
  206. textrazor >= "0.1.1"
  207. tezos-context-hash-irmin
  208. themoviedb
  209. tidy_email_sendgrid
  210. timedesc < "0.8.0"
  211. timedesc-json
  212. timere < "0.4.0"
  213. transmission-rpc
  214. u2f
  215. usbmux
  216. user-agent-parser
  217. vecosek
  218. vercel
  219. vscoq-language-server
  220. webauthn
  221. why3find
  222. xapi-rrd >= "1.9.0"
  223. yojson-bench = "2.0.1"
  224. zanuda




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