package yocaml_omd

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Allows you to use OMD( to use Markdown( as a markup language. Historically, the package was named yocaml_markdown but was renamed yocaml_omd to support multiple Markdown parsers.

val to_html : (string, string) Yocaml.Task.t

to_html is an arrow that uses OMD to convert Markdown to HTML.

val to_html_with_toc : (string, string option * string) Yocaml.Task.t

to_html_with_toc is an arrow that uses OMD to convert Markdown to HTML, it returns a pair where the first argument is an HTML representation of the table of contents, and the second one is the document.

val content_to_html : unit -> ('a * string, 'a * string) Yocaml.Task.t

content_to_html is an arrow that uses OMD to convert the content of a file from Markdown to HTML. (Since we usually read a file with metadata as a pair of metadata and string).

val content_to_html_with_toc : ('a -> string option -> 'b) -> ('a * string, 'b * string) Yocaml.Task.t

content_to_html_with_toc f is an arrow that uses OMD to convert the content of a file from Markdown to HTML. (Since we usually read a file with metadata as a pair of metadata and string). The arrow takes also a f that can merge the metadata with the computed table of contents.


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