Module type
Class type
Plugin for describing templates using ocaml-mustache, an implementation of the logic-less templating engine Mustache.
Description of a pipeline for reading a template and injecting content.
module Pipeline : sig ... end
Describes the arrowized interface for reading a file as a template and injecting content and variables.
Describes the Yocaml_mustache
module as a template engine. Allows the latter to be passed to any function requiring it.
val from : Yocaml.Data.t -> t
from data
Transforms a normalized data representation (data
) into an associative list of data that can be injected into a template.
val render : ?strict:bool -> (string * t) list -> string -> string
render ?strict parameters content
injects parameters
data into content
and returns the result of the applied content. To inject metadata into a template.