package yocaml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A pipeline is a succession of Task that enable concrete elements to be built. Building a construction system generally consists of composing pipelines together.

val track_file : Path.t -> (unit, unit) Task.t

track_file filepath is a dummy task that just add a file to a dependcies set and do nothing.

It useful to watch file modification, like binaries just, for example, to replay a task if the binary was recompiled.

val track_files : Path.t list -> (unit, unit) Task.t

track_files list_of_filepath is like track_file but for multiple files.

val read_file : Path.t -> (unit, string) Task.t

read_file path is a task that read the content of a file.

val pipe : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> (unit, 'b) Task.t -> ('a, 'c) Task.t

pipe f arr will pipe an arrow applying f previous_result result_of arr. For example, it can be used for piping files content : pipe (fun x y -> x ^ "\n" ^ y) (read_file path).

val read_file_as_metadata : (module Required.DATA_PROVIDER) -> (module Required.DATA_READABLE with type t = 'a) -> Path.t -> (unit, 'a) Task.t

read_file_as_metadata (module P) (module R) ?extraction_strategy path is a task that read a file located by a path and validates the content as metadata according to a Yocaml.Required.DATA_PROVIDER, P, using the description provided by R of type Yocaml.Required.DATA_READABLE.

val read_file_with_metadata : (module Required.DATA_PROVIDER) -> (module Required.DATA_READABLE with type t = 'a) -> ?extraction_strategy:Metadata.extraction_strategy -> Path.t -> (unit, 'a * string) Task.t

read_file_with_metadata (module P) (module R) ?extraction_strategy path is a task that read a file located by a path and uses an extraction_strategy to separate the metadata from the content and validates the metadata according to a Yocaml.Required.DATA_PROVIDER, P, using the description provided by R of type Yocaml.Required.DATA_READABLE.

val pipe_files : ?separator:string -> Path.t list -> (unit, string) Task.t

pipe_files ?separator list_of_path build a task that pipe file toegether using separator as a separator.

val exec_cmd : ?is_success:(int -> bool) -> Cmd.t -> (unit, unit) Task.t

exec_cmd ?is_success cmd is a task that performs a shell command (Yocaml.Cmd). watched arguments are used to define the dependencies set. When is_success is provided, it is called with the exit code to determine whether it indicates success or failure. Without is_success, success requires the process to return an exit code of 0.

val exec_cmd_with_result : ?is_success:(int -> bool) -> Cmd.t -> (unit, string) Task.t

exec_cmd_with_result ?is_success cmd is like exec_cmd but the output of the shell command is returned.

val as_template : (module Required.DATA_TEMPLATE) -> (module Required.DATA_INJECTABLE with type t = 'a) -> ?strict:bool -> Path.t -> ('a * string, 'a * string) Task.t

as_template (module T) (module M) ?strict path is an arrow that apply a path as a template.


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