package xml-light

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type dtd_child =
  1. | DTDTag of string
  2. | DTDPCData
  3. | DTDOptional of dtd_child
  4. | DTDZeroOrMore of dtd_child
  5. | DTDOneOrMore of dtd_child
  6. | DTDChoice of dtd_child list
  7. | DTDChildren of dtd_child list
type dtd_element_type =
  1. | DTDEmpty
  2. | DTDAny
  3. | DTDChild of dtd_child
type dtd_attr_default =
  1. | DTDDefault of string
  2. | DTDRequired
  3. | DTDImplied
  4. | DTDFixed of string
type dtd_attr_type =
  1. | DTDCData
  2. | DTDNMToken
  3. | DTDEnum of string list
  4. | DTDID
  5. | DTDIDRef
type dtd_item =
  1. | DTDAttribute of string * string * dtd_attr_type * dtd_attr_default
  2. | DTDElement of string * dtd_element_type
type dtd = dtd_item list
type checked
val parse_file : string -> dtd
val parse_in : Stdlib.in_channel -> dtd
val parse_string : string -> dtd
val check : dtd -> checked
val prove : checked -> string -> Xml.xml -> Xml.xml
val to_string : dtd_item -> string
type parse_error_msg =
  1. | InvalidDTDDecl
  2. | InvalidDTDElement
  3. | InvalidDTDAttribute
  4. | InvalidDTDTag
  5. | DTDItemExpected
type check_error =
  1. | ElementDefinedTwice of string
  2. | AttributeDefinedTwice of string * string
  3. | ElementEmptyContructor of string
  4. | ElementReferenced of string * string
  5. | ElementNotDeclared of string
  6. | WrongImplicitValueForID of string * string
type prove_error =
  1. | UnexpectedPCData
  2. | UnexpectedTag of string
  3. | UnexpectedAttribute of string
  4. | InvalidAttributeValue of string
  5. | RequiredAttribute of string
  6. | ChildExpected of string
  7. | EmptyExpected
  8. | DuplicateID of string
  9. | MissingID of string
type parse_error = parse_error_msg * Xml.error_pos
exception Parse_error of parse_error
exception Check_error of check_error
exception Prove_error of prove_error
val parse_error : parse_error -> string
val check_error : check_error -> string
val prove_error : prove_error -> string
val _raises : (string -> exn) -> unit

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