package vue-jsoo

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type js_type =
  1. | JString of string
  2. | JObject of Mjs.any
  3. | JNumber of float
  4. | JBoolean of bool
  5. | JArray of Mjs.any list

JS constructor

type prop_object = {
  1. pr_default : js_type;
  2. pr_required : bool option;
  3. pr_validator : (string -> bool) option;

generic prop object

type prop_options =
  1. | PrType of js_type
  2. | PrTypeArray of js_type list
  3. | PrObj of prop_object

possible types for prop

type props_options =
  1. | PrsArray of string list
  2. | PrsObj of (string * prop_options) list

possible types for props argument

module Internal : sig ... end

Internal JS module

type ('data, 'all) component_args = ('data, 'all) Internal.component_args = {
  1. template : string option;
  2. props : props_options option;
  3. data : ('all Mjs.t -> 'data Mjs.t) option;
  4. render : ('all Mjs.t -> Mjs.any -> Mjs.any) option;
  5. computed : ('all Mjs.t -> Mjs.any Mjs.optdef) Mjs.table_cons option;
  6. watch : ('all Mjs.t -> Mjs.any -> Mjs.any -> Mjs.any) Mjs.table_cons option;
  7. methods : Mjs.any Mjs.table_cons option;
  8. mixins : Mjs.any list option;
  9. extends : Mjs.any option;
  10. mounted : ('all Mjs.t -> unit) option;
  11. name : string option;
  12. components : (, Internal.component_arg Mjs.t Mjs.table_cons;

component arguments object

val empty : ('data, 'all) component_args

empty component arguments object

type 'a component = 'a Internal.vue_output

generic component js type

val make : ?template:string -> ?render:('all Mjs.t -> Mjs.any -> Mjs.any) -> ?props:props_options -> ?data:('all Mjs.t -> 'data Mjs.t) -> ?computed:('all Mjs.t -> Mjs.any Mjs.optdef) Mjs.table_cons -> ?methods:Mjs.any Mjs.table_cons -> ?watch:('all Mjs.t -> Mjs.any -> Mjs.any -> Mjs.any) Mjs.table_cons -> ?mixins:Mjs.any list -> ?extends:Mjs.any -> ?mounted:('all Mjs.t -> unit) -> ?components:(, Internal.component_arg Mjs.t Mjs.table_cons -> string -> 'all component

generic component maker Vue.component

module type Tables_S = sig ... end
module Tables (S : sig ... end) : Tables_S with type all = S.all

functor to create a component with typecheck of input data

module Make (S : sig ... end) : sig ... end

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