package virtual_dom

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

A Condition.t is a condition based on a keyboard event (which importantly includes the event's focus). This is intended to be used in keyboard event handlers that look at the keyboard event to determine whether or not to take a certain action.

E.g. if a user presses 'j' while focused on a table, the event handler might handle this by moving the user's focus down by one row in the table, but if the user presses 'j' while typing into a text box, the event handler would ignore the event.

type t = Keyboard_event.t -> bool
val true_ : t
val false_ : t
val not_ : t -> t
val and_ : t -> t -> t
val or_ : t -> t -> t
val has_input_target : t

has_input_target returns true if the event target is an input

val has_text_input_target : t

has_text_input_target returns true if the event target is a text input or textarea element

val has_number_input_target : t

has_number_input_target returns true if the event target is a number input

val has_form_element_target : t

has_form_element_target returns true if the event target is part of a form

val has_target_id : id:string -> t

has_target_id returns true if the event target has the given id

val has_target_class : class_:string -> t

has_target_class returns true if the event target has the given class

val element_has_target_class : selector:string -> class_:string -> t

element_has_target_class returns true if the element specified by selector has the given class


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