package vg

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

SVG renderer.


SVG render targets

val target : ?xml_decl:bool -> ?xmp:string -> unit -> Vg.Vgr.dst_stored

target xml_decl xmp () is an SVG render target for rendering to the stored destination given to Vg.Vgr.create.

  • xml_decl, if true (default) the XML declaration is output.
  • xmp is an optional UTF-8 encoded XML XMP metadata packet describing the SVG document (see ISO 16684-1 or the equivalent Adobe spec.). The convenience function Vg.Vgr.xmp can be used to generate a packet.

Multiple images. Multiple image renders on the target are not supported. Invalid_argument is raised by Vg.Vgr.render if multiple images are rendered.

Text rendering

Warning. The following is subject to change in the future.

Currently text rendering uses SVG's CSS font selection mechanism and doesn't support the glyph API.

Given a glyph cut:

Vg.I.cut_glyphs ~text ~blocks ~advances font glyphs

The blocks, advances and glyphs parameters are ignored. text must be provided and is used to define the text to render. font is used to select the font in a CSS stylesheet.

Render warnings and limitations

The following render warnings are reported.

  • `Unsupported_cut (`O o, i), outline area cuts can be performed only on (possibly transformed) Vg.I.const, Vg.I.axial and Vg.I.radial images.
  • `Unsupported_glyph_cut (a, i), glyph cuts can be performed only on (untransformed) Vg.I.const, Vg.I.axial and Vg.I.radial images.
  • `Textless_glyph_cut i if no text argument is specified in a glyph cut.

The following limitations should be taken into account.

  • Generated SVG files do specify that gradient interpolation must be done in linear sRGB space, however many SVG viewers do not respect that directive (e.g. most browsers).

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