package vcaml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Unshadow_command := Command
module Command := Unshadow_command
module Type := Nvim_internal.Phantom
val command : command:string -> unit Api_call.Or_error.t
val source : code:string -> string Api_call.Or_error.t
val get_chan_info : chan:int -> Channel_info.t Api_call.Or_error.t
val list_chans : Channel_info.t list Api_call.Or_error.t
val set_current_buf : buffer:Nvim_internal.Buffer.t -> unit Api_call.Or_error.t
val get_current_win : Window.t Api_call.Or_error.t
val set_current_win : window:Window.t -> unit Api_call.Or_error.t
val list_wins : Window.t list Api_call.Or_error.t
val eval : expr:string -> result_type:'a Nvim_internal.Phantom.t -> 'a Api_call.Or_error.t
val feedkeys : keys:string -> mode:string -> escape_csi:bool -> unit Api_call.Or_error.t
val set_client_info : ?version:Client_info.Version.t -> ?methods:Client_info.Client_method.t Core.String.Map.t -> ?attributes:string Core.String.Map.t -> name:string -> type_:Client_info.Client_type.t -> unit -> unit Api_call.Or_error.t
val replace_termcodes : str:string -> replace_keycodes:bool -> string Api_call.Or_error.t
val get_color_map : Color.True_color.t Core.String.Map.t Api_call.Or_error.t
val get_color_by_name : name:string -> Color.True_color.t Api_call.Or_error.t
val get_hl_by_name : name:string -> color:'a Color.Kind.t -> 'a Color.Highlight.t Api_call.Or_error.t
val get_hl_by_id : hl_id:int -> color:'a Color.Kind.t -> 'a Color.Highlight.t Api_call.Or_error.t
val get_var : name:string -> type_:'a Type.t -> 'a Api_call.Or_error.t
val set_var : name:string -> type_:'a Type.t -> value:'a -> unit Api_call.Or_error.t
val list_runtime_paths : string list Api_call.Or_error.t
val out_write : str:string -> unit Api_call.Or_error.t
val out_writeln : str:string -> unit Api_call.Or_error.t
val err_write : str:string -> unit Api_call.Or_error.t
val err_writeln : str:string -> unit Api_call.Or_error.t
val echo : Highlighted_text.t -> add_to_history:bool -> unit Api_call.Or_error.t
val echo_in_rpcrequest : string -> unit Api_call.Or_error.t

As of this writing messages echoed during an rpcrequest are not displayed until the request completes. This function hacks around that limitation. A side-effect of this hack is that if the user mashes the keyboard during the rpcrequest those keys will be printed after the message. inputsave + inputrestore does not seem to help mitigate this. For more details about this echoing limitation, see

Note that err_write and err_writeln do work inside rpcrequest but the error message is treated as an exception, so they aren't suitable for regular echoing purposes.

module Mouse : sig ... end
module Key_modifier : sig ... end
module Fast : sig ... end

These API functions are served immediately without waiting in the input queue.

module Untested : sig ... end

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