package uuseg

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Unicode text segmentation on UTF-X OCaml strings.

Uuseg helper functions acting directly on UTF-X encoded OCaml strings.

Warning. All these functions silently replace malformed encoded Unicode data by a Stdlib.Uchar.rep character.

Unicode version 14.0.0


type 'a folder = 'a -> string -> 'a

The type for segment folders. The function takes an accumulator and a segment. Segments are the UTF-X encoded characters delimited by two `Boundary occurences. If the segmenter has no initial or final `Boundary, the folding function inserts an implicit one. Empty segments – which by definition do not happen with the default segmenters – are not reported.

val fold_utf_8 : [< Uuseg.boundary ] -> 'a folder -> 'a -> string -> 'a

fold_utf_8 b f acc s folds over the b UTF-8 encoded segments of the UTF-8 encoded string s using f and acc.

val fold_utf_16be : [< Uuseg.boundary ] -> 'a folder -> 'a -> string -> 'a

fold_utf16be is like fold_utf_8 but on UTF-16BE encoded strings.

val fold_utf_16le : [< Uuseg.boundary ] -> 'a folder -> 'a -> string -> 'a

fold_utf16le is like fold_utf_8 but on UTF-16BE encoded strings.


Using OCaml's Format.pp_print_string with Unicode encoded strings will most of the time derail the pretty-printing process for two reasons. First the Unicode encoding of a character may span more than one byte and pp_print_string considers one character to be one byte. Second there may be a discrepancy between the sequence of user-perceived characters (grapheme clusters e.g. é) and the actual sequences of Unicode characters in the data (e.g. é represented by the decomposition e + ´, <U+0065,U+0301>).

The following formatters fix these problems for many (but not all) scripts.

val pp_utf_8 : Format.formatter -> string -> unit

pp_utf8 ppf s prints the UTF-8 encoded string s. Each grapheme cluster is considered as taking a length of 1.

val pp_utf_8_text : Format.formatter -> string -> unit

pp_utf_8_text ppf s prints the UTF-8 encoded string s. Each grapheme cluster is considered as taking a length of 1. Each line break opportunity is hinted with Format.pp_print_break and mandatory line breaks issue a Format.pp_force_newline call.

Take into account the following points:

  • Any white space Unicode character occuring before a break opportunity will be translated to a space (U+0020) in output if no break occurs.
  • The sequence CR LF (U+000D, U+000A) and all kind of mandatory line breaks are translated to whathever line separator is output by Format.pp_force_newline. See pp_utf_8_lines for the list of characters treated as mandatory line breaks.
  • Soft hyphens are handled but due to limitations in Format are not replaced by hard ones on breaks.
val pp_utf_8_lines : Format.formatter -> string -> unit

pp_utf_8_lines ppf s prints the UTF-8 encoded string s. Each grapheme cluster is considered as taking a length of 1. Each mandatory line break (including the sequence CR LF (U+000D, U+000A)) issues a Format.pp_force_newline and is translated to whathever line separator this function outputs.

This function correctly handles all kinds of line ends present Unicode, as of 7.0.0 this is FORM FEED (U+000C), LINE TABULATION (U+000B), LINE SEPARATOR (U+2028), PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR (U+2020), NEXT LINE (U+085), LINE FEED (U+000A), CARRIAGE RETURN (U+000D), and the sequence CR LF (U+000D, U+000A).


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