package udunits

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type 'system t

A type defining a unit

type 'a system_t

A unit system

type 'system converter_t

A converter from one unit to another

type status_t =
  1. | Success
  2. | Bad_arg
  3. | Exists
  4. | No_unit
  5. | Os
  6. | Not_same_system
  7. | Meaningless
  8. | No_second
  9. | Visit_error
  10. | Cant_format
  11. | Syntax
  12. | Unknown
  13. | Open_arg
  14. | Open_env
  15. | Open_default
  16. | Parse

    Possible UDUNITS result status codes

type encoding_t =
  1. | ASCII
  2. | ISO_8859_1
  3. | UTF8

    Possible text encodings accepted by and returned by UDUNITS

exception Error of status_t

Exception raised if a function call fails

val get_status : unit -> status_t

get_status () will return the status code from the last UDUNITS call. One example of where this can be useful is determining why a call to are_convertible returned false.

val read_xml : string -> 'a system_t

read_xml filename reads the unit system from filename.

  • raises Error

    if filename does not exist or is otherwise invalid

val read_xml_default : unit -> [ `default ] system_t

read_xml_default () is like read_xml except that it reads the default unit system defintion that comes with UDUNITS.

val are_convertible : 'system t -> 'system t -> bool

are_convertible a b will return true if a conversion is possible from a to b, false otherwise. If are_convertible returns false then get_status can tell why a conversion is not allowed.

val get_converter : src:'system t -> dest:'system t -> 'system converter_t

get_converter ~src ~dest returns a converter from the unit defined in src to the unit defined in dest.

val convert : _ converter_t -> float -> float

convert converter x converts x according to converter.

val convert_array1_to : _ converter_t -> src:(float, 'a, 'b) Bigarray.Array1.t -> dest:(float, 'a, 'b) Bigarray.Array1.t -> unit

convert_array1_to converter ~src ~dest converts the values in src according to converter placing the results in dest. Conversion starts at the first value of each array and proceeds until dest has been filled. src and dest can be the same value if you want to modify src directly.

  • raises Error

    if dest has more elements than src

val convert_array_to : _ converter_t -> src:float array -> dest:float array -> unit

convert_array_to converter ~src ~dest converts the values in src according to converter placing the results in dest. Conversion starts at the first value of each array and proceeds until dest has been filled. src and dest can be the same value if you want to modify src directly.

  • raises Error

    if dest has more elements than src

val convert_array1 : _ converter_t -> (float, 'a, 'b) Bigarray.Array1.t -> (float, 'a, 'b) Bigarray.Array1.t

convert_array1 converter src converts the values in src according to converter, returning the results as a newly allocated array.

val convert_array : _ converter_t -> float array -> float array

convert_array1 converter src converts the values in src according to converter, returning the results as a newly allocated array.

val parse : ?encoding:encoding_t -> 'system system_t -> string -> 'system t

parse ?encoding system s will return a unit defined by s under system. encoding refers to the encoding of s and defaults to ASCII.

  • raises Error

    if there is an error parsing s

val get_name : ?encoding:encoding_t -> _ t -> string
val get_symbol : ?encoding:encoding_t -> _ t -> string

get_name and get_symbol return string representations of a named unit.

val format : ?encoding:encoding_t -> ?names:bool -> ?basic:bool -> ?max_length:int -> _ t -> string

format u returns a string representation of u.

  • parameter names

    indicates if the string should use unit names (true) or symbols (false). Defaults to true.

  • parameter basic

    indicates if the unit should be broken down into base units (true) or left in composite form (false). Defaults to false.

  • parameter max_length

    sets a maximum length for the returned string. Defaults to 1024.

val is_dimensionless : _ t -> bool

is_dimensionless u returns true if u is dimensionless (ex. radians).

val scale_by : 'system t -> float -> 'system t

scale_by u x returns a new unit which is u scaled by x.

val offset_by : 'system t -> float -> 'system t

offset_by u x returns a new unit which is u offset by x.

val raise_to : 'system t -> float -> 'system t

raise_to u x returns a new unit which is u raised to the x power.

val root_by : 'system t -> float -> 'system t

root_by u x returns a new unit which is the x'th root of u.

val log_by : 'system t -> float -> 'system t

log_by u x returns the logarithmic unit corresponding to the base x and reference level u.

val invert : 'system t -> 'system t

invert u returns the reciprocal of u.

val multiply : 'system t -> 'system t -> 'system t

multiply a b returns the result of multiplying a by b.

val divide : 'system t -> 'system t -> 'system t

divide a b returns the result of dividing a by b.


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