package tyxml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Xml : sig ... end
type uri = Xml.uri
val string_of_uri : uri -> string
val uri_of_string : string -> uri
type +'a attrib
val to_xmlattribs : 'a attrib list -> Xml.attrib list
val to_attrib : Xml.attrib -> 'a attrib
val a_class : Xhtml_types.nmtokens -> [> `Class ] attrib
val a_id : -> [> `Id ] attrib
val a_title : Xhtml_types.cdata -> [> `Title ] attrib
val a_xml_lang : Xhtml_types.nmtoken -> [> `XML_lang ] attrib
val a_onblur : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnBlur ] attrib
val a_onclick : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnClick ] attrib
val a_ondblclick : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnDblClick ] attrib
val a_onchange : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnChange ] attrib
val a_onfocus : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnFocus ] attrib
val a_onload : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnLoad ] attrib
val a_onunload : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnUnload ] attrib
val a_onreset : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnReset ] attrib
val a_onselect : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnSelect ] attrib
val a_onsubmit : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnSubmit ] attrib
val a_onmousedown : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnMouseDown ] attrib
val a_onmouseup : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnMouseUp ] attrib
val a_onmouseover : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnMouseOver ] attrib
val a_onmousemove : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnMouseMove ] attrib
val a_onmouseout : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnMouseOut ] attrib
val a_onkeypress : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnKeyPress ] attrib
val a_onkeydown : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnKeyDown ] attrib
val a_onkeyup : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnKeyUp ] attrib
val a_profile : Xml.uri -> [> `Profile ] attrib
val a_version : Xhtml_types.cdata -> [> `Version ] attrib
val a_xmlns : [< `W3_org_1999_xhtml ] -> [> `XMLns ] attrib
val a_cite : Xml.uri -> [> `Cite ] attrib
val a_xml_space : [< `Preserve ] -> [> `XML_space ] attrib
val a_accesskey : Xhtml_types.character -> [> `Accesskey ] attrib
val a_charset : Xhtml_types.charset -> [> `Charset ] attrib
val a_accept_charset : Xhtml_types.charset -> [> `Accept_charset ] attrib
val a_accept : Xhtml_types.contenttype -> [> `Accept ] attrib
val a_href : Xml.uri -> [> `Href ] attrib
val a_hreflang : Xhtml_types.languagecode -> [> `Hreflang ] attrib
val a_rel : Xhtml_types.linktypes -> [> `Rel ] attrib
val a_rev : Xhtml_types.linktypes -> [> `Rev ] attrib
val a_tabindex : Xhtml_types.number -> [> `Tabindex ] attrib
val a_type : Xhtml_types.contenttype -> [> `Type ] attrib
val a_datetime : Xhtml_types.cdata -> [> `Datetime ] attrib
val a_dir : [< `Ltr | `Rtl ] -> [> `Dir ] attrib
val a_action : Xml.uri -> [> `Action ] attrib
val a_checked : [< `Checked ] -> [> `Checked ] attrib
val a_cols : Xhtml_types.number -> [> `Cols ] attrib
val a_enctype : Xhtml_types.contenttype -> [> `Enctype ] attrib
val a_for : Xhtml_types.idref -> [> `For ] attrib
val a_maxlength : Xhtml_types.number -> [> `Maxlength ] attrib
val a_method : [< `Get | `Post ] -> [> `Method ] attrib
val a_multiple : [< `Multiple ] -> [> `Multiple ] attrib
val a_name : Xhtml_types.cdata -> [> `Name ] attrib
val a_rows : Xhtml_types.number -> [> `Rows ] attrib
val a_selected : [< `Selected ] -> [> `Selected ] attrib
val a_size : Xhtml_types.number -> [> `Size ] attrib
val a_src : Xml.uri -> [> `Src ] attrib
val a_input_type : [< `Button | `Checkbox | `File | `Hidden | `Image | `Password | `Radio | `Reset | `Submit | `Text ] -> [> `Input_Type ] attrib
val a_value : Xhtml_types.cdata -> [> `Value ] attrib
val a_value_type : [< `Data | `Object | `Ref ] -> [> `Value_Type ] attrib
val a_disabled : [< `Disabled ] -> [> `Disabled ] attrib
val a_readonly : [< `ReadOnly ] -> [> `ReadOnly ] attrib
val a_button_type : [< `Button | `Reset | `Submit ] -> [> `Button_Type ] attrib
val a_label : Xhtml_types.text -> [> `Label ] attrib
val a_abbr : Xhtml_types.text -> [> `Abbr ] attrib
val a_align : [< `Center | `Char | `Justify | `Left | `Right ] -> [> `Align ] attrib
val a_axis : Xhtml_types.cdata -> [> `Axis ] attrib
val a_colspan : Xhtml_types.number -> [> `Colspan ] attrib
val a_headers : Xhtml_types.idrefs -> [> `Headers ] attrib
val a_rowspan : Xhtml_types.number -> [> `Rowspan ] attrib
val a_scope : [< `Col | `Colgroup | `Row | `Rowgroup ] -> [> `Scope ] attrib
val a_summary : Xhtml_types.text -> [> `Summary ] attrib
val a_valign : [< `Baseline | `Bottom | `Middle | `Top ] -> [> `Valign ] attrib
val a_border : Xhtml_types.pixels -> [> `Border ] attrib
val a_cellpadding : Xhtml_types.length -> [> `Cellpadding ] attrib
val a_cellspacing : Xhtml_types.length -> [> `Cellspacing ] attrib
val a_datapagesize : Xhtml_types.cdata -> [> `Datapagesize ] attrib
val a_frame : [< `Above | `Below | `Border | `Box | `Hsides | `LHS | `RHS | `Void | `Vsides ] -> [> `Frame ] attrib
val a_rules : [< `All | `Cols | `Groups | `None | `Rows ] -> [> `Rules ] attrib
val a_char : Xhtml_types.character -> [> `Char ] attrib
val a_charoff : Xhtml_types.length -> [> `Charoff ] attrib
val a_span : Xhtml_types.number -> [> `Span ] attrib
val a_alt : Xhtml_types.text -> [> `Alt ] attrib
val a_height : Xhtml_types.length -> [> `Height ] attrib
val a_longdesc : Xml.uri -> [> `Longdesc ] attrib
val a_width : Xhtml_types.length -> [> `Width ] attrib
type shape = [
  1. | `Circle
  2. | `Default
  3. | `Poly
  4. | `Rect
val a_shape : shape -> [> `Shape ] attrib
val a_coords : int list -> [> `Coords ] attrib
val a_nohref : [< `Nohref ] -> [> `Nohref ] attrib
val a_usemap : Xhtml_types.idref -> [> `Usemap ] attrib
val a_ismap : [< `Ismap ] -> [> `Ismap ] attrib
val a_declare : [< `Declare ] -> [> `Declare ] attrib
val a_classid : Xml.uri -> [> `Classid ] attrib
val a_codebase : Xml.uri -> [> `Codebase ] attrib
val a_data : Xml.uri -> [> `Data ] attrib
val a_codetype : Xhtml_types.contenttype -> [> `Codetype ] attrib
val a_archive : Xml.uri list -> [> `Archive ] attrib
val a_standby : Xhtml_types.text -> [> `Standby ] attrib
val a_fs_rows : Xhtml_types.multilengths -> [> `FS_Rows ] attrib
val a_fs_cols : Xhtml_types.multilengths -> [> `FS_Cols ] attrib
val a_frameborder : [< `One | `Zero ] -> [> `Frameborder ] attrib
val a_marginheight : Xhtml_types.pixels -> [> `Marginheight ] attrib
val a_marginwidth : Xhtml_types.pixels -> [> `Marginwidth ] attrib
val a_noresize : [< `Noresize ] -> [> `Noresize ] attrib
val a_scrolling : [< `Auto | `No | `Yes ] -> [> `Scrolling ] attrib
val a_target : Xhtml_types.frametarget -> [> `Target ] attrib
val a_content : Xhtml_types.cdata -> [> `Content ] attrib
val a_http_equiv : Xhtml_types.nmtoken -> [> `Http_equiv ] attrib
val a_scheme : Xhtml_types.cdata -> [> `Scheme ] attrib
val a_defer : [< `Defer ] -> [> `Defer ] attrib
val a_media : Xhtml_types.mediadesc -> [> `Media ] attrib
val a_style : string -> [> `Style_Attr ] attrib
type +'a elt
type ('a, 'b) nullary = ?a:'a attrib list -> unit -> 'b elt
type ('a, 'b, 'c) unary = ?a:'a attrib list -> 'b elt -> 'c elt
type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) binary = ?a:'a attrib list -> 'b elt -> 'c elt -> 'd elt
type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) quadry = ?a:'a attrib list -> 'b elt -> 'c elt -> 'd elt -> 'e elt -> 'f elt
type ('a, 'b, 'c) star = ?a:'a attrib list -> 'b elt list -> 'c elt
type ('a, 'b, 'c) plus = ?a:'a attrib list -> 'b elt -> 'b elt list -> 'c elt
type html = [ `Html ] elt
val html : ?a:[< `Dir | `Id | `Version | `XML_lang | `XMLns ] attrib list -> [< `Head ] elt -> [< `Body | `Frameset ] elt -> html
val head : ?a:[< `Dir | `Id | `Profile | `XML_lang ] attrib list -> [< `Base | `Title ] elt -> [< `Link | `Meta | `Object | `Script | `Style ] elt list -> [> `Head ] elt
val pcdata : string -> [> `PCDATA ] elt
val entity : string -> [> `PCDATA ] elt
val space : unit -> [> `PCDATA ] elt
val cdata : string -> [> `PCDATA ] elt
val cdata_script : string -> [> `PCDATA ] elt
val cdata_style : string -> [> `PCDATA ] elt
val unsafe_data : string -> 'a elt
val blockquote : ([< `Cite | `Class | `Dir | `Id | `OnClick | `OnDblClick | `OnKeyDown | `OnKeyPress | `OnKeyUp | `OnMouseDown | `OnMouseMove | `OnMouseOut | `OnMouseOver | `OnMouseUp | `Style_Attr | `Title | `XML_lang | `XML_space ], [< `Address | `Blockquote | `Del | `Div | `Dl | `Fieldset | `Form | `H1 | `H2 | `H3 | `H4 | `H5 | `H6 | `Hr | `Ins | `Noscript | `Ol | `P | `PCDATA | `Pre | `Script | `Table | `Ul ], [> `Blockquote ]) star
val pre : ([< `Class | `Dir | `Id | `OnClick | `OnDblClick | `OnKeyDown | `OnKeyPress | `OnKeyUp | `OnMouseDown | `OnMouseMove | `OnMouseOut | `OnMouseOver | `OnMouseUp | `Style_Attr | `Title | `XML_lang | `XML_space ], [< `A | `Abbr | `Acronym | `B | `Bdo | `Big | `Br | `Button | `Cite | `Code | `Del | `Dfn | `Em | `I | `Iframe | `Img | `Input | `Ins | `Kbd | `Label | `Map | `Noscript | `Object | `PCDATA | `Q | `Ruby_complex | `Ruby_simple1 | `Ruby_simple2 | `Samp | `Script | `Select | `Small | `Span | `Strong | `Sub | `Sup | `Textarea | `Tt | `Var ], [> `Pre ]) star
val bdo : dir:[< `Ltr | `Rtl ] -> ([< Xhtml_types.bdo_attrib ], [< Xhtml_types.bdo_content ], [> Xhtml_types.bdo ]) star
module Basic_Forms : sig ... end
module Basic_Tables : sig ... end
val table : ?caption:[< `Caption ] elt -> ?columns: [< `Colgroups of [< `Colgroup ] elt list | `Cols of [< `Col ] elt list ] -> ([< `Border | `Cellpadding | `Cellspacing | `Class | `Datapagesize | `Dir | `Frame | `Id | `OnClick | `OnDblClick | `OnKeyDown | `OnKeyPress | `OnKeyUp | `OnMouseDown | `OnMouseMove | `OnMouseOut | `OnMouseOver | `OnMouseUp | `Rules | `Style_Attr | `Summary | `Title | `Width | `XML_lang | `XML_space ], [< `Tr ], [> `Table ]) plus
val tablex : ?caption:[< `Caption ] elt -> ?columns: [< `Colgroups of [< `Colgroup ] elt list | `Cols of [< `Col ] elt list ] -> ?thead:[< `Thead ] elt -> ?tfoot:[< `Tfoot ] elt -> ([< `Border | `Cellpadding | `Cellspacing | `Class | `Datapagesize | `Dir | `Frame | `Id | `OnClick | `OnDblClick | `OnKeyDown | `OnKeyPress | `OnKeyUp | `OnMouseDown | `OnMouseMove | `OnMouseOut | `OnMouseOver | `OnMouseUp | `Rules | `Style_Attr | `Summary | `Title | `Width | `XML_lang | `XML_space ], [< `Tbody ], [> `Table ]) plus
val frameset : ?noframes:[< `Noframes ] elt -> ([< Xhtml_types.frameset_attrib ], [< Xhtml_types.frameset_content ], [> Xhtml_types.frameset ]) plus
val ruby_simple1 : ?a:[< Xhtml_types.common ] attrib list -> [< `Rb ] elt -> [< `Rt ] elt -> [> `Ruby_simple1 ] elt
val ruby_simple2 : ?a:[< Xhtml_types.common ] attrib list -> [< `Rb ] elt -> [< `Rp ] elt -> [< `Rt ] elt -> [< `Rp ] elt -> [> `Ruby_simple2 ] elt
val ruby_complex : ?a:[< Xhtml_types.common ] attrib list -> [< `Rbc ] elt -> [< `Rtc_complex ] elt -> [> `Ruby_complex ] elt
val a_rbspan : Xhtml_types.number -> [> `Rbspan ] attrib
val tot : Xml.elt -> 'a elt
val totl : Xml.elt list -> 'a elt list
val toelt : 'a elt -> Xml.elt
val toeltl : 'a elt list -> Xml.elt list
type doc = [ `Html ] elt
val doc_toelt : doc -> Xml.elt
val a_name_01_00 : Xhtml_types.cdata -> [> `Name_01_00 ] attrib

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