package tls-async

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type attribute = X509.Distinguished_name.attribute =
  1. | CN of string
  2. | Serialnumber of string
  3. | C of string
  4. | L of string
  5. | ST of string
  6. | O of string
  7. | OU of string
  8. | T of string
  9. | DNQ of string
  10. | Mail of string
  11. | DC of string
  12. | Given_name of string
  13. | Surname of string
  14. | Initials of string
  15. | Pseudonym of string
  16. | Generation of string
  17. | Street of string
  18. | Userid of string
  19. | Other of Asn.oid * string
module Relative_distinguished_name = X509.Distinguished_name.Relative_distinguished_name
type t = Relative_distinguished_name.t list
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val make_pp : format:[ `OSF | `OpenSSL | `RFC4514 ] -> ?spacing:[ `Loose | `Medium | `Tight ] -> unit -> t Fmt.t
val pp : t Fmt.t
val common_name : t -> string option
val encode_der : t -> string
val decode_der : contents:string -> t Core.Or_error.t

Innovation. Community. Security.